
to be fair, she looks older in that picture.

sounds like you are all mad because he has more money than you. It’s not like black people don’t love authority figures. after all is said and done, nobody falls in line like black people. it’s truly a beautiful thing if you are authoritarian.

beyonce has always found success by standing next to uglier bitches, jay-z is another example of that. however far we have evolved from apes jay-z is just a step or so behind us.

I like bringing hood ornaments back. I don’t think they should look like nba championship rings however.

did you say v-8 with a manual?

once a mustang always a mustang. cp

crazy glue their cunts closed, all of them.

magic is the ray ratto of hasbeens, he will hasbeen someplace else.

it’s like the government is forcing us into these maxi pad mobiles and we want to wear tampons, or cups or sponges. keep your laws off my body, i don’t get squicked out by a little blood and neither should you.

whether you feel the effects of what you call racism, or that is merely baggage you bring to your interactions, there is a more obvious truth behind all of this. Like the modern Democrats, when blacks were labor, the country stagnated, when white working class people came here in droves, the country prospered and

thanks. slot, iwasn’t standing by the news machine and would have missed this content.

there are many more blacks like damon who couldn’t make it as a white person, who get by on being blacks. in terms of music, books, etc a lot of short cuts for blacks who are at best non-descript.

Had I been smart I would have bought the Silverdome when it was on sale. I could add this engine to my collection. In fact I could combine my passion purchases into a little art project I would call, firing that mother up on the 50 yard line. how much shake rattle and roll you think you could get spinning that turbine.

Now playing

Winnipeg wins the town most likely to run out of beer at some point, a long second round series ought to do the trick. toe blake, eddie shore. if you want a friend up north if winnipeg advances to the 3rd round, mail send them a case of beer the old fashioned way, buy a case, put it in a box, address label, pay

these pics always crack me up, blacks were so confident obama was going to protect them and they had enough whites on their side they could act like hooligans everywhere. edges ripped indeed.

you’ve got to treat every black as a threat even if they seem too young to be. I mean can you imagine the monster the other girl must be.

wall st whores like he and obama will say just about anything.

hating white people less.

if you’re not the initial aggressor, there is NO duty to retreat at home.

what are the best seasoning options? i assume the cooking is low and slow like a brisket.