
with this much ambient hate of white people, no wonder there are so many false positives regarding what is popularly described as “racism”. it seems like there is a lot of sympathy being shown the black people who put on this minstrelcy, by the white people targeted by it. the fact is, white people are not nearly as

Sounds like a Frye festival for black people.

Everything he says now just motivates anyone who was there the last few years.

if your sexual ideation runs along the lines of “let a stranger inside me” that’s gonna be a no, dog. also considering sex work, such as she describes is barely realizing you even have a commodity between your legs and you are wasting it, also with said value, being homeless is extra piteous. I mean you can see the

another case where black people blame racism and not black behavior for how white people view them.

remember when everyone pretended she was worth a shit, because it would piss off people who never heard of her. that’s the essence of black culture.

will this come to be known as the kick-fix

ok but when do you start showing the plays from scrimmage. All I ever see in soccer highlights are what appear to be special teams plays.

How much do you want to bet the lion in the picture fucking hates black people.

even women’s basketball is supposed to be a competitive sport whether you realize it by glancing past it or not, you can’t have players pitted against each other in a competitive sport.

just so as I understand. black people don’t need to dismantle racism, and attacking white people is kosher with you because white people don’t see something that benefits you as being as important as you do? I could see how this becomes a counter productive strategy. white people’s offer is class war, black people

i like it, also with regards to the usb ports, how many users will be leaning over the center console and looking at the diagram ass over teakettle. that is to say they will have their heads upside down.

this makes me sad, who is going to represent OJ Giammulli?

OJ Giannulli’s next move is pretty obvious, isn’t it?

so people on youtube sometimes get as bad as the default to be expected from the blacks on twitter. weird and instructively political that so many, terrorists in their own right on other platforms are on a blame youtube kick.

I agree, i want to see car companies really compete. like bringing their own oxygen up the hill, I want to see a hindenbeemer.

She should be fired for having blurry titties.

if they can all stop making the same shitty ipa. also maybe try on a different price point for profitability. maybe directly compete with conglomobeer by making beer better and keeping it closer to ideal for longer. if you are local or hyperlocal or selling out of one site only you have a huge advantage. just like

I kind of like the idea of rich dudes taking massive hormones in their late teens in order to get into a better college as female athletes.

if you could get Demuro to tell his people to drop a buck each you could buy one of those Moabs Jeep got and drive it to Moab.