
that did not age well.

1 i feel horrible for her

good job tom, i rest well tonight knowing that laura’s kids are equal owners like tom’s kids. I do hope this influences the kids in the neighborhood to be more inclusive knowing they have a chance to sit in the owners box and whatever perks swag or accoutrement comes with being more directly near the center of the

will permanently banning people from saying the N word cause them to have more or less thoughts and opinions and a willingness to speak them, along a line of thinking you don’t like? I would suggest that while these sorts of draconian, authoritarian measures may feel good to some people, while some may consider them

and the truth remains, you are only encouraging what is culturally deemed to be racism, by supporting, or begging for further sanctions. If you want society to actually become more racist please continue.

you don’t get nothing for being right these days.

if you like a wagon and a manual, i would think that conquers all here, for me, CP.

she got dunked on, hard. where’s that gif?

so your as vapid as a becky and you still cry racism to get what you want? basically.

I knew Chlamydia was sky high, you see it on social media all the time. People who’ve contracted it, put claps between every word to get the info out that they’ve been infected.

quits baseball, becomes a jew, moves to Brooklyn, marries #8 on Burneko’s all time hottie list. gets into bizarre accident which can not be adequately described because of all the bullshit Burneko’s compatriots tell their grandparents to keep the checks coming vs what they actually do with the money. lot’s of knowing

the answer is basic work truck plus the sort of sporty style car meant to sit in traffic.

1st gear: I think this is a problem unique to pick ups. There are still a lot of people who buy their trucks fairly close to stock on the short side of 50k. they don’t want all the amenities of the “fancy” truck. what they hate is people who aren’t “truck” folks as they see it, buying the “fancy” trucks, and thus

Your mama can’t read a blitz.

No one cares, other than the fact that this is provacative for the sake of being provacative. that’s the sort of thing that leads to President Trump. So hey don’t cast white people. that’s great. You can do it! But when you want white people to notice you exist by saying it, you are the one race baiting. which some

to be fair, elementary spanish phrase “cual es la fecha de hoy” is surprisingly relevant on trips to Ibiza.

this is what’s great about the NBA, the fans are too stupid not to identify with dominance paradigms, Once you identify that in a person, it’s like they cease to be, and cease to deserve treatment as a full human being.

the prosecutors were satisfied that Smollett was sorry and had already beaten himself up about what happened.

it’s only funny because Ratto is such a failure as a sportswriter, yet here he blends in terif. it goes to show what a shitshow gawker is.

All you can say about this, the focus and the push on making a political agenda out of it, and the lightning speed with which the narrative was consumed by half the country has hidden a lot of things we should have talked about at the time, even if the politcs are much more messy.