
Baseball needs to remember where it went wrong. I mean asside from virtually eliminating much of the strategy, and the sense of “feel”, trying it despite the odds that might just jibe with our culture right now, for extremely articulate arguments for statistical adherence. Now everyone plays stat ball in pseudo old

As long as baseball is being played, someone is getting hosed by watching it.

She’s never had to work an honest day in her life and she has endless streams of people willing to feel sorry for her, I think she made out well on the deal. She’s also given way more credit by people looking for an avatar because symbolism and branding is what works in this era. He did what he was supposed to do, in

a pretty girl is like an elephant, fun to look at but I wouldn’t want to own one.” this car is a pretty girl. In fact I wouldn’t mind driving it, maybe, but I wouldn’t want to own it. CP

and the funny part is that most of the racism is self-imagined.

So you are saying you would rather not know about your ranking.

let’s not forget if this all sounds way too complicated, the porn industry thrives on people who fear contracting a disease from a casual encounter. they are promoting fear as much as they are trying to work around, and promote safety and education.

scumbag is as scumbag does. predator, he can fuck off unhappily with cardib.

to be fair men who have been victimized are far less likely to come forward. to be honest, her hatred of queers makes me want her to disappear back into the life she now thinks gives her credibility.

nice truck, sorry about your chickens

nice truck, sorry about your chickens

nah i am not even going to read it, mcgary is a malignant pussy, he should have been gone.

oh good, My water polo career is stagnating.

At age 13 the plan is almost complete. Cunter Mcgarry has trained his daughter to be the perfect mating companion for AJ Delaurio. Soon they will unleash an elongated breeding arc of the purest pod people in the entire history of pod people. this is some new media supremacist shit right here.

crackiest crack pipe.

like when people ask me how the “chalk bracket” is doing, or people who know me, asking if I dropped a chalkster on unsuspecting pools of players who play themselves? the answer there is yes. the answer here is no, the committee when far afield, and that is fine. to add spice to this sort of thing. but there is no

I have a question about profiling. Sometimes through no fault of your own, or a few warrants, you lose that anonymity in the eyes of law enforcement. Sometimes you lose it regardless because a community is so small. You might not think someone is looking out, and observing a pattern of behavior, you may think that

ok so, the police pull someone over for something minor, someone whom they may or may not know has warrants outstanding. Bet that law enforcement occasionally goes looking for such folk, just on the off chance and because there is nothing better to do.

hair metal, gay porn.

I reserve true hate for Tori Amos and the Beatles. but as far as alanis morrisette goes. to crib a contemporary as was her wont, if it makes you happy.