
oh yeah dude. huge oversight on my part not including a lengthy aside disavowing ariana grande in this post. I'll get right on that 

Popping in here to remind everyone that Yang’s universal basic income proposition — or his “freedom dividend” — is for every person in the country, EXCEPT anyone on welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, disability or any other government funded program. Me and my fully tax paying family stand to benefit, but the

I wonder who that guy in the gif is? Maybe Nick can help us out.

But when I typed in “Michael” to tag this post, Bennett’s name doesn’t even crack the top-four suggested Michaels.

Steve Jobs was a genius, a bully, and a fruitcake. Pretending to be Darth Vader with laryngitis while making prank phone calls to a rival CEO fits that M.O. perfectly.

Steve Jobs was trash. He was an odious, abusive, sociopathic narcissist with a propensity for claiming other peoples’ ideas (and in at least one famous case, money) as his own - IE the famous “reality distortion field” - who unfortunately was enabled and deified by people around him because that’s what we human beings

Probably.  Honestly, Steve was a POS.

You know that all he’d have to do is say it, and they’d scream it right along with him.

Did anyone feel like they were chanting “string her up”? Because to this African american, it sounded very much like they were. My ancestors were enslaved and bled for this nation, they were strung up, and murdered and mutilated for this nation, they fought and died in wars and were spat upon in this nation, all to

there is a moral to this story, friend.

We haven’t seen anything yet.  

The recession has already begun.

Let’s be honest, they’ve been perfecting the response for years: “THOSE people are allowed to say it in their rap songs and talking about each other, but the Leader of the Free World can’t use it? You’re the real racist because you hate white people so much that you want to police their freedom of speech.”

David Cross put it best

it rules so much that this news cycle kicked off when Nancy Pelosi told a bunch of freshmen congresswomen to sit down, shut up, and stop talking about concentration camps being bad. and Trump chimed in with a “hey, yeah, what she said.

When Trump does drop an N-bomb in a rally, what do you think is going to happen? Is it going to be a record scratch moment, with all the MAGA hat wearers looking uncomfortably at each other, the crowd quieting down, Trump continuing to ramble, but slowly losing steam as he realizes the audience isn’t with him?

It wasn’t “because [he works] in a different genre.” It was because he’s a jackass that is notorious for treating people like dirt and for being a self-absorbed ding-dong. I mean, Maynard has collaborated outside his genre, with Tori Amos, with David Bowie.

You mean the guy who dresses all in black and screams about being a worthless liar isn’t happy?!? Yeah I guess she’s onto something there. Good on her for pointing it out to the interwebs.

In the entire history of people clacking messages out on keyboards and hurling them at each other on the internet, has anyone ever said “I hope you find/learn/whatever” and actually meant it sincerely?