
I think Dan’s response to the first question could be missing a certain possibility. Sexual response changes with time and age, and it’s entirely likely the letter writer doesn’t come as quickly and easily as he used to in part because he’s 50 and not, y’know, 35 anymore.

Hey everyone - remember when Splinter expressed skepticism of Avenatti during his attention-grabbing media run and a bevy of commenters worked themselves into a seething frenzy in response? Something along the lines of how that was a bad “leftybro purity take” or whatever and the writer in question was a childish idiot

The funny part about Eminem in this example is that while he continues to sell/stream good numbers to the present day, he hasn’t made consistently great music since the early 2000s.

Speaking of mysterious veiled merchants who appear in bleak eastern European survival horror settings, this dude reminds of the Trader from Darkwood*.

Granted, she probably knows good and well he became a felon working for Trump. It’s just these people are so bottomlessly empty and cynical they’ll default to the most shameless way to deflect things every time.

Holy shit. Helping bring this issue into the mainstream is really, really good. Long overdue, but incredible.

This is spot on. There are few metropolises in America that more directly confront you with the deep connection between race and class in this country. It’s practically screaming in your face. The overwhelming majority of DC residents who work in more lucrative white-collar jobs are white, Asian, or desi, while near

I know the article is ironic, but you’re about to get inundated by the usual crop of very normal commenters who foam at the mouth about Sanders at the slightest opportunity and will use this as a springboard for the same. Buckle up!

Which is weird in no small part because having an impish, self-deprecating sense of humor was kind of Eminem’s shtick during his early career. People forget that in-between all the raging homophobia and wife murder fantasies, the guy could be pretty funny.

Whenever when people here expressed skepticism of Avenatti, and the usual crop of commenters foamed at the mouth at them for “purity politics” or whatever?

They’d refuse to elect her on racism alone, but Harris is definitely of the generation of powerful “tough on crime” Democrats who rose to prominence after Bill Clinton and his cohort made a career of adopting Republican policies on issues relating to race, poverty, and criminal justice.

Longtime DC resident here - Klobuchar is notorious for being uniquely horrible to her staff. We’re not talking curmudgeonly, we’re talking outright abusive - even to the point of physical violence. Younger hires, many of them women right out of school, leave staffing jobs under her traumatized and with shattered

As someone who has spent his fair share of time moving through Red America, this is spot on. It’s part of why “owning the libs” has become a political identity unto itself. The most diehard elements of the GOP base center their attitude toward politics on spite alone, and Trump won their loyalty by pandering to that

Some of the people with the most complicated and conflicted feelings about Israel that I know are American Jews. The idea that the Israeli state is the exclusive arbiter of Jewishness, and stands for and represents all Jews, is a dangerously close cousin to the anti-semitic belief that all Jews everywhere are somehow

Yeah, this is vile. Get him out of there, now. Prosecute him if possible.

To add:

DC resident here who has known people who’ve worked for her - Klobuchar isn’t “mean”, she’s relentlessly cruel and abusive towards those less powerful than herself. Which have often included young woman fresh into the start of their careers who’ve seen their confidence shattered in the aftermath.

Where were the adults associated with the school?