
Yeah, I’ve already gotten responses from a couple very normal people down in the grays who sound like they want to personally disembowel Sanders on live TV.

Maybe I’m dense, but the above statement seems to admit fault, own that the response at the time was inadequate, affirm that sexual harassment is a real and dire problem, thank the women who had the courage to speak out, and outline clear steps for how to do better going forward while seeming gracious towards his

I don’t want to get too partisan myself as a Sanders sympathizer, but yeah. Even I feel comfortable saying when Sanders clearly screwed up, such as right here. Bernie done fucked up.

Yeah, Jezebel got... bad. As someone whose peer group and social media bubble was aggressively pro-Hillary, I just stopped reading the site after a while.

In large part because it’s been tied to cynical efforts to slime and shove aside the best parts of his agenda by claiming that he’s somehow even worse on issues of race and social justice than Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and other old-guard white centrist Dems. And implicitly promote them as vanguards of the same.

Wait... the Clintons doing things for self-involved or petty reasons at the expense of everyone else?

It’s almost like this is what actual ethical games journalism looks like and not, y’know, sending death threats to Zoe Quinn.

Yeah, this.

T-minus 5 seconds before this article is dogpiled by people rage-commenting at Libby for having the gall to suggest some things about the Democrat Party as an institution might be counterproductive or flawed at the moment, which is apparently unacceptable to write in the eyes of Kinja.

“if Cuomo actually follows through on half of them”

I love the weird amount of loyalty and defensiveness you feel towards someone who is objectively a corrupt, inept trash fire of a governor. What impressive things has Cuomo done to make you stan for him this aggressively.

“It’s probably better this way, guys.”

Eh, not really. White women are often active and enthusiastic agents of white supremacy, and it’s something we’re long overdue to confront as a culture yet remain highly resistant to doing so compared to how it’s much more acceptable to discuss the similar racism and entitlement of white men.

[alt-right dork voice] “Ah, yes. Another member of the illiberal left that can’t use logic and facts so they resort to ad hominem instead.”

Yeah, this. He is an obsessive promoter of race science and the idea that certain groups of people (wink) are inherently dumber than others. It’s a constant fixation of his and something he will lunge to advocate, if not angrily defend, at the slightest opportunity.

It’s also such a weird group. Skinny bald dude to Kristol’s left is James Carville - a ‘90s-era Bill Clinton campaign flack, and the guy on the far right (appropriately enough) is James Pollack, aka the editor-in-chief of Breitbart.

Well then.

I’ll try to engage this comment in good faith. You think the only reason people are displeased with anything Pelosi does is because she’s a woman? As in every who was unhappy that, for example, Pelosi tried to shame and lecture Maxine Waters for encouraging people to take a more bold stance against Trump is because of

It’s telling that struck a nerve.