
Counterpoint: equating white leftists with the KKK and insulting them by calling them “white” is the whitest thing in existence.

Steroid use is also rampant among male action stars in Hollywood. Many of the physiques we’ve seen among leading actors in the past ten years can largely be credited to ‘roids. A strict diet and exercise regimen tends to produce Hugh Jackman’s build from the first X-Men, not whatever Chris Hemsworth was flaunting in

Stop this. We both know that third-way centrists are deeply #woke, and anyone to their left is actually a sexist-racist #BernieBro. Your dislike for a centrist Dem is clearly evidence of how much you hate POC because all third way centrists are honorary WOC and a leftist WOC is actually a white man. Now apologize.

Wait... am I missing something here? This comment is somehow popular. I thought both the Jezebel bloggers and commentariat were ultra-aggressive defenders of the centrist Dems and the DNC leadership, and held anyone to their left as a deeply loathsome sexist-racist-un-woke #BernieBro who deserve to be insulted and

I’m not even sure Trump is aware they speak English in Great Britain either.

This is definitely not the gender equality we were asking for.

I mean, he’s certainly enough of an asshole.

IIRC, it’s typically French or (oddly enough) Jewish.

The exact kind of people who want you to click through to the article, get pissed off enough to spend time writing a comment, and therefore increase advertising value by elevating page count and average time on site.

Wait... we’re talking a show where Gervais acts like a petulant asshole for no good reason and also feels entitled to subject the rest of the world to the same? What fresh, groundbreaking new concept this?

“While Clinton’s tweet is commendable, it’s worth questioning why her mother kept Reines in her powerful orbit for decades.”

You’d have to be living under a rock to think people haven’t been lobbing venom at Gingrich and Santorum for years. Santorum was so deservedly hated that Dan Savage ran a successful campaign all the way back in 2003 to nickname the byproduct of anal sex after him in the hopes of humiliating him and driving him out of

Not to mention this was a dude who was doing every mind-altering substance within reach for a good ten years straight and somehow ended up looking better than near everyone his age down the line.

Solid Wiki Wormhole, but going to be a military history pedant here. The Mongols under Kublai Khan made two separate attempts to invade Japan. The first one made complete landfall without suffering bad weather, but floundered once they tried to invade the mainland and retreated due to what was probably a combination

Plot twist: Jonathan Davis shits in the middle of the song.

The Clintons are notorious for building their inner circle almost exclusively upon near-slavish levels of loyalty and bootlicking. Strong odds this guy was exceptionally dedicated to being a sycophant, which may have saved him.

Likely a confused frenzy over which parent they should side with in the divorce, followed by deep angst over whether Trump or Bannon is in fact the “cuck”.

Trump sporadically has moments of quasi-self awareness that he blurts out like they’re a prisoner trying to escape his subconscious. This would be one of them, largely because Trump is borderline obese.

“Last week’s accusations against Tom Friedman were unbelievable, but it may take decades for us to understand what they really mean. When thinking about sexual harassment, it is important to remember three things. First, we live in a world where groping happens in hyperspace. Second, moderation often allows us to be

The undertone of “Look at the SCARY ARABS, right guys?!?” that seemed to enliven the new Prison Break trailer makes me place the current year as 2003.