
But also dead! You at least you had that on them.

What’s jarring to me is not just Kurt Cobain reaching a hypothetical 50, but realizing that now that I’m my late 20s I’ve managed to outlive many of my musical idols from my youth. And the most jarring thing of all is I still feel pretty young. To pass even before you turn 28 is, in the grand scope of life, so, so

A human druid/monk named “Treewatcher” (no given name) who only referred to himself in the third person. He spent the last ten years of his life guarding what he believed to be a sacred tree named “Timothy” in a remote forest. Though no one else actually believed Timothy to be a tree of great significance, and

It might be slim consolation, but much of what has come to light over the past 2+ years (disclosures of powerful men committing serial rape/sexual assault without consequence) means that more and more men now understand why women don’t report. As grueling as these latest revelations have been, we’re watching in real

I for one dread the coming “Blowjob Robot Resource Wars” that are fated to wipe out entire nations.

Also, we’d probably witness war and armed conflict break out at a fractional rate of what we see today.

And if I’m not mistaken, the actor in that poster is none other than Aiden Gillen.

“We’ve smoked lots of meth here at Lake Wobegon.”

I’m afraid not. There are a sizable number of people I know personally (we’re talking reasonable, reasonably smart people) on my newsfeed alone either implying or stating directly that any lack of enthusiasm for Hillary/her status as the first woman nominee for president is due to one’s unaddressed sexism.

The individual I’m about to mention is clearly an extremely unsympathetic figure, but apparently Chris Brown has openly bragged about “losing his virginity” to a 15 year-old girl when he was 8. He framed it to an interviewer as some early validation of his sex-machine status [in a blatant instance of trying to

For sure. It’s entirely possible that Depp is lovely to his daughter (or at least never abusive) and was terrible to Amber Heard. Those two need not be mutually exclusive.

For sure, I felt that moment really spoke volumes.

Absolutely, and allegedly an intellectual prodigy to boot. I remember one of the characters saying he would have been a far better king than any of the contenders at the start of the series.

I think it’s pretty much settled that Jon Snow’s parents ran away with each other because they were in love/their respective marriages were arranged. The running consensus seems to be that the whole “Lyanna was abducted” line was invented after the fact to save face on the part of both houses and soothe Robert’s ego.

That’s godawful, I’m really sorry you had to go through that. A guy who I know for a fact assaulted someone within my college friend group just got engaged. The delightful part about this is the woman he got engaged to is also a vile human being, and when they posted the engagement album on Facebook a college friend

Oh for sure, I was really pleased for her when the news broke. Guy went out in a bad way. As in “speared-through-the-lung-to-the-passenger-seat-by-a-metal-bar” at the age of 20 way.

From what I understand it’s extremely common, bordering on typical. Two women very close to me were assaulted (one of whom is a family member and significantly older). They’ve both been very resilient and recovered with a lot of strength, and one of them would still visit a violent end upon her assailant to this day

That somehow works better.

This is going to sound kind of weird - and this is coming from someone who hates everything he stands for - but Donald Trump was not terrible looking as a young guy. It seems awful lifestyle habits and poor diet have gone the distance to turn him into the bloated jack-o-lantern he is today.

Keith Richards is on par with Ozzie Osborne for rock stars with freakishly good genes. I’m pretty sure they analyzed Ozzie’s DNA for inborn resilience factors contra substance abuse a few years back, and the guy apparently inherited every single one.