
That sounds like a classic psychedelic-induced psychotic break. There are definitely rare cases where people drop acid/take DMT/etc. and something flips, often leading to a conviction they’ve discovered the unfiltered truth about themselves and/or the universe which is frequently accompanied by religious mania.


“Hey, don’t blame me for those assholes.” - Jesus Christ

I kind of figured those tears were unforced to some degree. I’m guessing the combination of being utterly callous, not seeing his victims as people, and Holtzclaw generally being dumb as rocks made the guilty verdict a complete shock to him. He probably never expect to be brought to justice, and then he got beaten

It’s kind of disappointing how many brilliant 20th century male writers were pseudo-macho misogynists. The list is pretty long when you count them off.

Somehow, that description sounds even more terrible if you pretend it’s a euphemism.

“Douchebag Gotterdammerung” is the name of my new death metal band.

Wait... you *didn’t* watch The Room just to see Tommy Wiseau’s ass?

Guy manages to look cool and good-looking even into middle age. It’s one hell of a feat.

I’m a guy who very much likes eating out. And I’m not alone, I swear! If I like someone, I like what’s between her legs, and eating out is therefore a lot of fun. Always been kind of a simple equation for me.

Isn’t it charming that Bill Cosby’s number of honorary degrees is now outpaced by the amount of woman who’ve come forward with rape allegations? It’s like a karma parabola for complete monsters.

I always had an odd fondness for Sonny Corleone as a character. Not like he’s a great guy by any measure, but his scenes are some of my favorite in the film.

DeBoer has long been a self-important, overreactive wanker who seems to live by the undying belief that any given debate can be improved by him barging in and having very loud opinions out of nowhere. Jonathan Chait is also a tool, but for different reasons.

Stellar game, in my opinion. Played the original two Fallout games, and I was really happy with how Wasteland 2 turned out. It’s got a long, engaging storyline, and the turn-based combat tactics approach is a lot of fun.

I mean, he never proved he didn’t.

Haven’t infidelity rumors been quietly trailing Rubio for a while? They haven’t broken into national gossip channels in any big way, but I’m pretty sure there’s been a case of “smoke, maybe there’s fire” for a while. This heckler was kind of a loon about it, but he wouldn’t be the first to bring it up.

I had the exact same reaction. It was refreshing to see Depp do such a great job playing a cold, unnerving, even subdued character after years of Jack Sparrow/Tonto/All things Tim Burton. Highly recommended.


Yes, seriously. Thank you. I’ve always wanted to point out it always seems to me that you’re much more likely to hear average or unattractive-looking men say derogatory things about women’s looks than handsome men.

That’s a perfect summary of Dawkins. I always appreciated him as a biologist, but he’s a piss-poor philosopher and social thinker (and aggressively convinced otherwise, at that).