
Her insults against "feminists, Black Lives Matter activists, immigrants, refugees, millennials, and basically everyone but the old white men who (used to) employ her" will do nothing to deter the hiring of hateful Tomi by CNN (former and current employer, respectively, of Trump stooges Corey Lewandowski and Jason

Erik, if you were paying attention to last week's episode, you'd know that Martha's dinner with Aderholt is entirely related to Stan's raiding her apartment.

It was called "shock therapy" and modeled on a similar remedy for Poland that had been cooked up by geniuses from the State Department, in cahoots with the Harvard Institute for International Development and hundreds of "advisers" culled from the likes of Burson-Marsteller and Goldman Sachs. The plan was

I can assure you that similar kinds of material have been generated by the U.S. for dealing with Russians, and are every bit as clueless.

"For decades, Soviet media attacked the United States—with varying degrees of subtlety—as a broken society, its failure obvious."
In other words, Soviet media were prophetic.

Fair enough. Write-arounds are always an option.

It may look — and certainly sounds — clumsy, but it is correct.

Sorry to be pedantic, but the plural of Jennings is Jenningses — as in, "the Jenningses are master planners to a fault," or, in the possessive, "no one is sleeping at the Jenningses’."

"Burning the level"? I didn't realize Elizabeth also renounced Emmett and Leanne's secret identities as carpenters.

Don't belabor the joke.

A guy named Todd VanDerWerff is reluctant to try to spell "Zhukov"?

Bad comedy is worse. At least with music, the open-mic "performer" is, ostensibly, trying. Bad comics make you loathe humanity just a little bit more.

And that friend … was Dane Cook.

I'd like to say to Rabia, "Community's golden child my ass."

Except maybe for the dangers of, you know, an actual mob.

I honestly can't fathom the mindset that says another person's ending his or her pain on this earth is "selfish." Who the hell are Infiniti pitchman Henry Rollins and pubic-wigged Neanderthal Gene Simmons to judge?

I see you're still at it, reinforcing my original point. Thanks for playing!

I see what you did there: pretending to detach yourself from the solipsistic miasma of 1994 with a masturbatory essay about that year. Irony lives, grasshopper.

This is no laughing matter — Seth Rogen movies never are.

Al is a national treasure.