
Retrenchment of the Constitution can be measured — in Supreme Court opinions, rising populations of nonviolent drug offenders in federal prisons — to say nothing of overall quality of life, via metrics such as the well-researched finding that Americans' social mobility through economic advancement has regressed and

Hardly. Re-read your use of the word "not" in your quoted passage.

Conspiracy theories, and the misguided souls who promote them, are quaint at a time when our democracy is being stolen from under our noses. We should be so fortunate to have a government that feared its citizenry enough that it deemed it necessary to resort to elaborately conceived, deftly executed covert operations

Your phone's not off the hook, but Exene's mind is

Trust me: She's untalented and undeserving.

"The Jimmy Dore Show," "Majority Report" and "The David Feldman Show" all outclass many of the entries on your various lists, especially tedious drivel like "Hang Up and Listen."

I see an "AfterM*A*S*H"-like debacle coming.