Armature Dacier

As said by Milo Yiannopoulos "a lie, repeated often enough, becomes feminism."

The article doesn't mention what legal rights for men your "faux MRAs" are fighting for….

Some words for you :

What legal rights men are lacking is ROK advocating for ?

Okay… listen up "Great Satan" citizen! You don't know my life. You don't my motive. You don't know why I made this account. Please keep your assumptions for yourself.

It's funny how some people here would call anyone, who expose the lies of this article, mra. There's one who even tried to impose the mra label to me.

You've got an authoritarian mindset for forcing labels into people who don't associate with them.

"because your logic and use of facts has been flawless so far …"

1) As I can see, you are not capable of debating using logic and facts. Your constant use of personal attacks says a lot about your critical thinking.

Don't you have a factual-based response instead of a personal attack? I'm wondering if you would have said the same if this was about women…

"Minor problems"

Keep lying to yourself ! PUA =/= MRM

I don't know why you keep reacting like this when individuals point out lies in this article.

I am simply showing you that MRM is needed. These are the issues MRAs are standing.

How so ?

1) Male suicide rate: 77.1% - Female suicide rate: 22.9%

Cool story lad…

Take a look at the "gendered" derogatory terms used to attacks "MRAs"

You are wasting your time lad with people who cannot make the difference between MRM and PUA. Their only defense is to associate the MRM to a hate group, without any evidences. How many of these people even know that the majority of men's rights activists are women ?

They've got enough citations now.