Armature Dacier

Ashamed of what ?

Allow me to quote one of the best mra, Karen Straughan, a woman :

How many times the medias will keep spreading lies about MRAs ? Jeez…

"You're still extremely wrong"

You are kinda late to the party mate…

Huh ?

What's your point ?

"I think they had their hands full when that was going on."

I could re-write the sentence but not in English.

Sir, English is not my mother tongue. I forgive you, because you couldn't know.

We've debunked that return of kings is not a mra website. Some people didn't welcomed us very well. It's not my fault if too many people are buying to a lie.

It's too late. The false propaganda is running at full regime.

Argumentum ex silentio fallacy! Citation needed…

"Feminism is a real reaction to horrible treatment through the years."

"Do you agree that gays and trans people are sexual deviants? If not why did you post a link to an article that stated that very thing?"

Reality: RoK =/= MRAs

I am amazed by the amount of people who are buying this false propaganda.

I do not understand.

"Mean they're not both hate groups"