Armando Payne

Arr Arr Dowd

“ye best start believing in AV Clubs...You’re in one!”

I burned out on super heroes years ago because of this. I don’t know how people are in their 60's and still reading these things. Anything cool eventually gets undermined. Be that through poor writing, executive overreach, or some combination of both.

Now playing

in what be the least engaged performance of her career”

Even without the cash cow mentality of the comics industry to ruin things, does the Dark Phoenix storyline even really hold up all these years later?

I mean, we’ve suspected.....

This was just inevitable, really.

I remember Jean saying something like “the third one is always the worst” in Apocalypse, and then thinking that Apocalypse was the third one in the then ‘First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse’ trilogy. At the time, she was right.

it should go the Spider-Man route and take the main cast back to high school. All the metaphors that make X-Men so potent are rife to be reintroduced in its original teenaged setting. Also center it on the characters that haven’t really been focused on before, so put Wolverine on the sidelines and set Magneto aside

I remember the “No one cares anymore” line in the trailer and thought then it might be ironically prophetic.

Marvel comics had completely devalued the Dark Phoenix storyline already. This stuff is nowhere near as compelling as it was in 1980 - Marvel’s incestuously libidinous need to stick its phalli into anything popular and breed it for all its worth had already sucked any resonance out of it.

I’m honestly interested in the X-Men operating as an honest-to-goodness superhero team, partially as a PR exercise to sway the masses into trusting mutantkind. I kind of imagine them working for the government, and occasionally being disquieted by what they’re asked to do but not wanting to risk the consequences of

Paying attention to the nuances in the characters instead of just spewing visual effects. I would submit that the Dark Phoenix story worked so well in the comics because of the intimate relationship between Jean and Scott.

What about treating Magneto as a bigger threat, a la Thanos lite, and not featuring him in every damn movie? There are so many other villains and characters to focus on.

What would make a good X-Men movie? It’s a maybe ridiculous question to ask, given how the series dominated Marvel comics for well over a decade, but it’s tougher to visualize now that the series has been demoted.

That’s a feat I could almost see Van Dyke performing himself.

Duck Van Dyke

Penis Truck Lesbian

Chiwetel Etch-A-Sketchiofor?

And yet I still can’t think of one for Dick Van Dyke.