Armando Payne

I mean on the one hand I'm sad but on the other hand as an English Person I'm super thrilled that they're going the Fawlty Towers route of creating a finite amount of greatness and not ruining it with like 13 seasons. Like TV Shows should be like a strip tease y'know? You should leave the audience wanting more.

Digging the NWA/WCW reference by Barry there. (WCW did a Bunkhouse Stampede yes or were they all NWA events?)

Uh, what does Jordan Peele know about horror, he made one (1) Horror Film (Get Out, a Black Man's Birth Of A Nation) and two (2) comedies (Keanu and My Favourite Comedy So Far Jordan Peele’s Us. Like Us is to Home Invasion Films as Airplane is to Air Disaster Films, like to me it’s a laugh a minute film and I was

Trick Van Trike. It's like a Transformer only it transforms from a Magicians Van to a Tricycle.

Allegedly Christian Bale is playing someone from my neck of the woods. I say allegedly because I have no idea what the fuck kind of accent he's putting on but as sure as eggs are eggs it ain't a Sutton Coldfield accent.

Michael Fassbender's The Snowman. The Jo Nesbo adaptation last year or two years ago. Up until yesterday it was the worst film I've seen at the cinema. Like I'm a huge Jo Nesbo homer so I was expecting a film and not the absolute abomination that was it. 

See I hated this film with a passion, the action scenes were filmed poorly and the shaky cam scenes were uncomfortable to watch and they have The Eco Terrorists murder like 60, 70 people and then not get punished? I also really didn't care about the family drama and I legit mistook one characters death for another and

To be fair I fucking dug the film where there's a Death By Manimal in there.

Yah I saw this film just and it may be one of my favourites but I agree wholeheartedly with your rating. Because to me it maybe an A rated film but that's because it's entirely in my wheelhouse y'know? Whereas for others as you stated is a B-. Like I also did dig how they took your basic '80s movies schtick of Nerd

It's interesting how now with the credits they can now go full Cowboy Bebop.

Yeah it's a shame when it's just getting good but I do think if the main flaw is that it wasn't getting the ratings that it should go to either Amazon Prime or Netflix where ratings don't really matter.

Nobody listens to techno.

The P stands for Poliwhirl bra.

In the dog's purpose is the dog getting shot because it doesn't like seeing a guy torture a tiger?

Or as I described it as "The Film Where A Man Tries To Shoot A Dog."

Yes but who'll play Dobby? And will they have Jodie Whittaker play Peter Capaldi?

Damn dude I was really into this show. I watched a new episode every time it came out in America. Hopefully the cast can be cast in a whole buncha popular stuff.

Huh? I would've assumed that 2020 would've been more fitting a release date? Like it'd be like releasing a film adaptation of 1984 in the year 1985 y'know?

Never forget that today also marked the death of Pristin.

The good thing about Netflix is that it allowed me to see my favourite Rom-Com which is Red Carpet it's a South Korean film about a former child actress who accidentally shares her flat with a porno director who both share the same dream of actually making it big in the mainstream media. I really dug it because they