Armando Payne

The “Wild Cards” series includes “Jokers” who have useless powers. I haven’t actually read any of them, I just know George R. R. Martin edits them.

I’ve actually tinkered with an idea for a YA novel that would be set in an X-Men like universe where there are superheroes, only they are a fully integrated, albeit elite part of society, ones recruited for best jobs in the private and public sectors, leaders or advisors to them. Schools test for them and when the

OMG I would be so jazzed for a movie about him!

Whew! Thank you for that. I always tried to shut myself up about those things, like, I shouldn’t be asking.... but it always bothered me for all their (Xavier’s) “we can coexist together”, we didn’t actually see much of that... togetherness. I mean, his school really should have had mutants and non-mutants in the same

a) Faith Herbert aka Zephyr is not-supermodel female super hero, and her series is a pretty good read:

“In any case, I’ve got to agree with Sauron here”

Dark Phoenix is one of those stories that has a massive reputation among comic fans of a certain age but which doesn’t actually hold up very well in 2019 (see also: Killing Joke, The.) The problem is that its two big hooks are “a superhero turns evil!” and “a superhero dies!” Those were novel and shocking turns in

In any case, I’ve got to agree with Sauron here.

This story was not done right, where are you getting this shit? How they keep thinking they can do a Dark Phoenix heel turn without even properly building her up as Phoenix says all it really needs to. Can’t wait to see what Marvel can do with this property, as they know that these arcs take time and care to be

So many of these movies just don’t seem to understand what makes superheroes compelling. They’re supposed to represent manifestations of the human experience...of being an outsider, of striving to be good in a world full of bad,of going through changes in one’s life, be it puberty or adulthood or what have you.

The freaking cartoon did this story right 25 years ago.

I think if critical and preview consensus was that this time they did Dark Phoenix and they nailed it! People would run out for it. But when the prevailing opinion is they made many of the same mistakes, it’s harder to get excited about it.

I watched a cam stream of it (since I wasn’t about to pay to see it, expecting it to be really bad) last night. It’s incredibly boring. There’s only one real fight scene (the climax) and it’s just not interesting. 

I think the people who want to see this story “done right” took one look at this movie and realized it ain't "done right."

Agreed until that last part; I think audiences were totally open to embracing McAvoy, Fassbender, and Lawerence. (Or at least McAvoy and Fassbender - Mystique being Xavier’s quasi-brother was a weird move, and then Lawrence coincidentally blew up because of Hunger Games.) Trouble is, they sabotaged Fassbender’s

As a casual fan of the franchise my impression is that the way they’ve done these movies over the years made a powerful finale pretty much impossible. At least, they would’ve had trouble treating the final movie as the culmination of everything that came before it. I can’t go through it movie-by-movie, but if I

This entire thing has proved that the entire premise that people want to see the “Dark Phoenix” story “done right” was completely flawed. Despite caterwauling from X-Men comic book fans (I admit I read some of them as a kid), there really is no great market for this story. They erased the entire previous movie from

Doesn’t sound that surprising considering the general audience reaction to Apocalypse and the critical response to this.

This also fits with Tahani talking about how her favorite show, Deirdre & Margaret, was a very long running BBC show--they made nearly thirty episodes! 

It calls to mind maybe my favorite pearl of wisdom from the show: