Armando Payne

Backdraft gave us the Iron Chef theme song.

This movie desperately needs an appearance by Burt Macklin FBI.

The longest gap between original film and sequel is 63.5 years: Bambi and Bambi II, from August 1942 to February 2006.

Has there been a greater gap between two consecutive films than 28 years? That does seem crazily distant. (And wholly unnecessary.)

At this sequel pace we’ll get to Backdraft: Endgame in 360 years. I’ve got my tickets on pre-order.

While this sequel sounds dire, I don’t really understand the need to shit upon the original. It was a decent, if not spectacular, movie that millions of people remember fondly. That’s the point of this cash-grab.

Comedy Central once aired a program back in 1999 called ‘I’m with Busey’, and it was about some comedian hanging with Gary Busey.  True story.

Peep Show works because of Mitchell and Webb. The concept of two underachieving losers teaming up was old news in the 1920s, just putting two women in the roles and moving it to New York or Los Angeles means nothing to me. It’s not even that well known in the USA, why not just do something new?

It’s nice to see that Television and Film Women are now on an equal footing with Television and Film Men, in that they don’t have an original fucking bone in their body.

Anyone else remember a Comedy Central show called Secret Girlfriend that was shot from a first-person POV?

My dream is that they bring Superhans into this, same actor and everything.

The show fleshing out both the kids and the school staff really made this show feel great. The three teachers hanging out all the time are always funny.

What the fuck!? I really liked this show! They finally had a strong Thursday line up again with Superstore, AP Bio, and Brooklyn 99. The cast was also phenomenal. 

Season 2 is one of the strongest and most distinctive network comedies this season, second only to The Good Place for my money.

You mean to tell me Chesterfield is the name of the bar AND the name of the owner?

Being a kid when Tresspass was released. I would routinely get Cube and T confused.

You're telling me that this vampire gets off on drinking human blood?

Hire Vanilla Ice to complete the holy trinity.

They should have taken a cue from "Trespass", and sprung for Ice Cube as well. Ice T is a little tepid without him.

It is to my everlasting horror that my dad is a huge Dorf fan. He loves Tim Conway, so that's a point in his favor at least, but Dorf eludes me.