
Bottom line : it’s no one’s business.

It's just like Jesus said in Matthew 7:1 Thou shalt not determine the sex of thine own child.

people are mad because Christianity tells them to be.

To be fair to Chrissy I don’t know why people would be mad about her IVF process. I have a relative going through it and she had the option of choosing which sex of embryo she wanted transferred. Her and her husband opted just for the most genetically healthy one to be implanted and to keep the sex a surprise, but if

Yeah I thought the entire premise of the show was that he was living off the money from a couple really successful commercial opportunities in the recent past, and that’s why the character has so much free time to spend contemplating single life around age 30 in the social media age.

Honestly, do you like any show or movie set in NYC? I can’t really remember a “realistic” portrayal of living in NYC without be fabulously wealthy (except maybe Girls and Broad City to some extent).

I don’t know. I live in Fresno. No one, local or otherwise, is writing anything about our city to get people to come here. I’d take a stupid ballad about our damn water tower from garbage ass John Mayer at this point.

it was hinted that a substantial amount of his money was from the residuals from one highly successful go-gurt commercial.

I was actually talking with someone about this, and apparently you can make a decent amount off commercials depending on your contract and how often the commercials air. He does seem to be in a lot of commercials according to show, so it’s possible that those commercials are being aired a lot and he’s making money

Idk, Tulsa is kind of a giant butthole. Cleveland would be interesting.

I think your complains(and some others here) about people reclining seats are crazy....and as an Asian myself, complete lunacy. Nobody in Asia (or Europe for that matter, i’ve stayed in France for quite awhile) every had such complain. Only in America and US sites where i’ve heard and read such complains. I just don’t

Oh, I’m sorry did you see anything about the people clapping being millennials? I get far more sideways glances and scoffs about my child being a toddler and acting like a toddler from baby boomers.

I stopped reading your comment after 10 words.

You're correct, you're a fucking asshole.

“How the hell can people be so insensitive??”

Can you confirmed that the only people who clapped are millennials? I like this thought process. Someone was an asshole it must be a millennial. People have been assholes long before millennials. I highly doubt every single person clapping was a millennial.

So you’re as bad as they are? Wonderful.

To be fair, it's better than his non-existent foreign policy.

His economic plan was as bad as Sanders’ is at the moment, and some people lapped it up.

My parents really liked this guy. They voted for Reagan, too, though they hated what he did when he was governor of California. Both of them have become more liberal as they get older, which is kind of awesome. My mom really feels the Bern, and her second wave feminism is confused that I support Hillary.