
They haven't fully been able to express why the High Sparrow is powerful on the show, which is why there are so many show viewers asking why someone hasn't just put a knife in his back yet. The religious aspect of the game of thrones storyline was shoehorned in way too late. It should have been fundamental from the

Yeah, though in the book, they still make Cersei do her walk of shame for no crime but premarital sex. But it does feel like a lot of their animus against the nobles is their decadent lifestyles and neglect of the commoners, even if it's expressed in terms of a sexualized punishment.

I agree, white men are truly the most downtrodden in our society. I hope that one day your people will finally find their voice.

She only manages to manipulate situations because she and no one else has the Westerosi equivalent of the atom bomb.

I would watch this.

A lot of their plotlines this season have seemed like them trying to rid themselves of terrible plots they were given by the fourth and fifth books. Some part of me thinks that show would have been better if the fourth and fifth book didn't exist and they could have just started making up their own shit post-Storm of

My main problem with Dany as a character is that it's never been demonstrated that she has any skills or talents whatsoever except dragons and some level of sheer nerve. I don't see why this would make her a very good ruler. I enjoy the cool scenes and setpieces she brings to the show as much as anyone else but I

In the book, hopefully he will come back to Winterfell as a unicorn-riding cannibal. But in the show, I think his role is going to be to get unceremoniously killed, to further motivate Jon and Sansa.

Yes, the hysterical pseudo-feminists really love this show. They're always writing think pieces about its wonderful, respectful portrayal of women's bodies and sexual violence.

Sansa is the story's greatest creep magnet. She spends time as the plaything of literally every one of the biggest sociopaths in Westeros. Also, Sansa endures all her suffering almost completely alone.

Jon/Sansa is a pretty popular theory. Apparently, in GRRM's original outline of the story, Jon and Arya ended up banging, once they met again and found out they weren't siblings. Some people think this role was given to Sansa once some parts of the story were changed.

Why would wanting to kill the man who raped and abused her and retake her childhood home from him make her anything like Cersei?

Sansa has survived a great deal, much of it with far less support around her than Jon Snow. Why would she be softer than him?

Jaime has to already know that Lancel was sleeping with Cersei. That was what her walk of shame was for—she openly admitted to sleeping with Lancel. That aspect of his books story no longer makes sense.

Rickon is the most expendable Stark, so it makes sense as a way of raising the stakes. Also, it gives Sansa a claim to Winterfell.

They do have a sexual purity fixation in the books as well—Cersei and Margaery's imprisonments in the book are both for sexual crimes. Homosexuality is never mentioned, though.

Yeah, that's one of my main complaints about the show, as a book-reader. A lot of the dialogue feels very modern when they go off-book (basically, all of the Sand Snake dialogue) and it can sound really cheesy. The book dialogue isn't perfect but it really captures a sense of place and foreignness in a way that the

Jaime has lost all interest for me. They've just completely sidelined him for over two seasons. He just doesn't do anything or show any kind of character growth.

Isn't the in-show motivation that he wants Sansa back and is using Rickon as bait?

It's amazing seeing a character who has been passed around by horrible people who want to use her for either her claim or her body or both for five seasons straight finally find not one but two protectors in Brienne and Jon who genuinely care for her with no ulterior motives. I loved when Jon corrected her and said