
He's a completely different character in the show and always was. In the books, he's presented as a younger version of Jaime and his homosexuality is never emphasized. In the show, he's very weak and naive and his homosexuality is probably his main character trait.

That is hardly pedantic.

I really thought Jaime/Brienne was going to happen in the books. Their storylines are much more intertwined and they think about each other constantly. In the show, their stories have nothing to do with each other anymore. So Tormund/Brienne it is.

I liked that we had three brother-sister reunions this episode that so clearly paralleled each other.

That's never even been insinuated.

Yes, you were.

I'm not sure in what universe calling someone a sand ni****r and hoping that their extended family is killed by drones makes sense as a response to racism? Like what is she trying to say exactly?

I think normally that would be the case but Ramsay already randomly and for no reason beyond sadism tortured the fuck out of his two previous extremely valuable hostages who could have been used for other purposes and basically goaded them into running away. I'm not sure what would restrain him this time. It would

I don't get the weird hateboner the Internet developed for Olly. I barely noticed him before this episode but the level of exultation over his death kind of creeped me out. Was it just that he had an annoying face?

Because she doesn't want to and it obviously made her uncomfortable before but before, she didn't feel she had a choice

People are allowed to not like things that you like.

That bothered me but what bothers me more is that Sansa's marriage to Ramsay had literally zero strategic value to anyone but Ramsay. They made it look originally like Sansa was making some sort of purposeful decision that showed her growth and agency but nothing came of it whatsoever—she just got raped and beaten for

How on earth is he anything like a neo-Nazi? Like what even?

The last we saw him, he was in King's Landing. I think he's back at the Vale now.

"One of the stranger developments with this year's Kings Landing story is the bizarre insistence that Tommen's entire military force can't storm one building guardrd by about two dozen peasants armed with rags and billy clubs."

It's pretty bad. I wouldn't be thrilled to be crippled and living in a tree while my whole family was being hunted down and murdered.

You're right—my physical picture of Draco Malfoy is a combination of Ollie and Joffrey.

The very haphazard way religion is stuck into both the books and the TV show is why I'm frustrated by people who justify parts of this show (very often, the parts related to women or sexual violence) as "just being how it was back then."

Cersei lacks so thoroughly in any redeeming qualities in the later books that I welcome that change. It's clear that GRRM despises her as a character and the only reason he gives her POV chapters is to squelch any fan speculation that maybe she might be more than she seems and definitively establish that yes, she is a

Bran's storyline in earlier seasons was boring because it didn't seem to be going anywhere and had little action. I think people will like it a lot more with all these flashbacks.