
Well, Jon just left, so it's very possible that Sansa will get there the moment Jon leaves. That seems very in keeping with the spirit of the series—remember Arya arriving at the Red Wedding moments after her family was murdered?

I like the Tyrion in the show much better than the Tyrion of the books but I also think that he is a very static character who has not been changed at all by the experience of killing his father and his girlfriend and leaving everything he knows and values. The show Tyrion can be static because he doesn't have the

It's been torture porn from the beginning. It's torture porn in the books too. Ramsay's character exists pretty much for torture porn—I got the sense that GRRM felt like readers were desensitized to Joffrey-level cruelty, so he had to come up with a villain who specializes in flaying.

Yeah, I desperately need Sansa to kill Littlefinger. Just as I need Jaime to kill Cersei. It just would not be dramatically satisfying otherwise.

Yeah, it's not a season of Game of Thrones if at least one Stark child isn't being held captive and abused.

Most of the people doing the harassment are in their mid-30s? That's terrifying. I thought it must be teenage boys. The idea that there are people nearing middle age who have this kind of free time, lack of self-control and absurd over-investment in pop culture is scary.

You know "outrage culture" is not actually a person, right?

I think he looks about the same age as first season Joffrey—like mid-teens. The effect is very different than in the books and I feel like his storyline is going to play out differently too. In the books, he's going to be an innocent who is an unintended casualty. In the show, I think it will probably be a bad

Tommen in the show seems way too weak-willed and passive and spineless to ever be a good ruler. He doesn't seem to have any real judgment of his own. Tommen in the book could be a good ruler one day, since he's still a little kid. But I feel like they've portrayed the show Tommen as someone with distinct personality

They really, really need to kill Ramsay soon. I know they wanted another Joffrey but Joffrey was fun because he was not all-powerful and people won against him sometimes. Ramsay has the distinction of being horrible, predictable and boring all at the same time.

This is plausible sadly but the other theory I've heard is that Arya will murder Tommen and that would be much more satisfying and finally give her plot some sort of relationship to the rest of the series

I love her as a character for all those reasons. She would be so uninteresting if she didn't have that side to her—if anything, I think a real-life Elizabeth would be more extreme. A woman who gave up her whole life to her country when she was a teenager, who was raised during the WWII era in Russia just isn't going

Yeah, definitely kill the interesting character with an actual personality and storyline, over the disposable one with a line an episode.

Yeah. Elizabeth reminds me of a lot of my mother (without the Communist spy stuff, as far as I know). When you grow up in a home like that, you have a somewhat different concept of family obligation.

They all already had AIDS though—I'm not sure what benefit they would get from that?

Hamilton's legacy will be interesting to observe in 20 years. I think it will very much be remembered as a capsule of the Obama era—his presidency and Hamilton weave together very neatly.

I feel like we should try to work on improving our prejudices and blind spots, though.

I thought "Everyone is a Little Bit Racist" was very clever when I was 14 but if you listen to the song, the message is basically,"People need to stop being PC because that's the real problem." The whole thing is kind of bullshit.

The movie was absolute garbage. Rent was the first play I ever saw, shortly before it left Broadway in 2008 and it works in the theater because it's staged in a really authentic way. It feels—or is intended to feel—like a bunch of artists just going up on to this makeshift stage and spontaneously putting on a show.