
Really? I would be very surprised if a young person came up with that. It seems kind of like cheesy middle-aged dad humor to me.

Soros is also like 87. I wonder who the new leftist boogeyman will be when he dies.

People hate him enough to care because he had a nasty habit of harassing people and trying to ruin their lives. The warmed over Ann Coulter nonsense he spouted was nothing new but going to a college campus and projecting the image of a transgender student on screen and making gross sexual comments about her kind of

It is especially perplexing to me because in the feminist circles I've been in, Lena Dunham is (from my view, somewhat disproportionately) despised and Roman Polanski may as well be Satan. Do they really have this idea that most liberals love those two?

Maher is in his sixties. Milo's whole original claim to fame is Gamergate cheerleading and Twitter harassment. I think the damage of things like that would be hard for a man Maher's age to understand. I think he was just defaulting to what he understood. Also, I didn't think he did much research.

His whole persona is more explicit identity politics than almost anything I've seen on the left. There is no way he would be nearly as popular if he was straight. The only reason his act was compelling at all was because he was gay. I've read some of his Breitbart articles, since seeing him on Maher and they mention

Not to mention publicly mocking specific trans students by name and helping lead a mob harassment campaign against a black actress for no discernible reason other than truly vitriolic racism and cruelty. His articles are just standard Ann Coulter/Rush Limbaugh-style conservative pundit nonsense but actively harassing

Maybe if it was an isolated comment but given his incredibly well-documented history of racist comments and behavior over the course of like the past forty years (including calling for the deaths of a bunch of teenage black and Latino boys wrongly accused of rape and engaging in housing discrimination against black

….then why did she win the popular vote?

That was the first thing I thought when I saw him.

His naive, trusting, childish behavior contrasts so much with how weirdly emotionless and impassive his demeanor and outward presentation is. All of it comes together to make him seem very blank and apathetic. I suppose he could just still be in shock.

Fucking someone who is poor and vulnerable enough to have to pay for legal services with sex is creepy and gross and unethical. It has nothing to do with prudishness. Sex is not an inherently good or moral thing, regardless of circumstance.

He was incredible in that film, playing a completely different, much more self-assured and seemingly older character. That movie is pretty much the best thing I've ever seen about Islamist terrorism.

Don't they explicitly explain within the episode itself how the whole water thing works? I wasn't paying super-close attention but I actually remember even the creepy inmate guy making that point himself (the water isn't that hot so they mix it with something).

Slight spoiler but there will be a character played by Michael K Williams (Omar from The Wire) in future episodes, so I think there will be more positive or complex representations of black male characters. Also, I think the character that made the racist comment is likely to be a more major role and be more than he

if brienne wanted to smush Jaime as he is now, I would lose all respect for her. he's a really, really bad guy in the show and still obsessed with cersei

Wait, are you seriously saying that people shouldn't criticize this show because the show-runners are paid a lot of money?

Yeah, each character really seems to be flipping from good to evil very arbitrarily (and temporarily) this season. The show is as beautiful and atmospheric as ever and the performances remain great but I've found the plot difficult to follow and be invested in.

Yeah, I think all the possible Stoneheart references are just baiting the book reader audience. I don't think they're actually going to put her in, just making winking references to her.

Sothyros, right?