
Yeah, I loved Rent as a teenager (at a time when Rent was already considered incredibly dated) and I feel like the backlash is a little lazy. It's an incredibly easy show to hate. I still appreciate it because it's a landmark for portrayal for AIDS and queer characters in theater and I think much of the AIDS-related

I think this is what will probably happen in the books but I think the show will allow Jon and Sansa to meet. George R. R. Martin likes dragging shit out but that doesn't work on TV and I feel like the show-runners, now that they have the freedom to do whatever they want, are going to try to create the satisfying

I'm sure an ending exists, I just really doubt that it will be narratively satisfying.

I think he is meant to be half-Indian/half-white. I think it will be very interesting to see a non-white character on this show who is not a servant.

Dorian had a queer relationship for most of last season, didn't he? It sucks that the Dorian/Ethan scene specifically didn't go anywhere but the show has had plenty of gay content.

I'm not sure what they were doing with how they filmed that scene if they didn't intend gay subtext. Also, romantic friendships are such a Victorian trope.

I grew up loving Victorian novels and the poetic, sometimes rather ponderous language on this show approximates their style so well—it creates a sense of place almost as much as the sets.

I think, where they leave off in the books, he's about to go meet Brienne, isn't he? Their story-lines are a lot more connected than they are in the show, even after their big road trip and he thinks about her frequently.

Jaime's Riverlands plot-line was not great in the books and it would be difficult to adapt but it was pretty clear that the endgame was moving him away from Cersei. Very strange that the show would decide to basically return them to their first season relationship. They have a very similar conversation in season 1, I

I think you're the one person I've see anywhere who actually reacted to the Sand Snakes the way you were intended to.

In the book, there's also an allegation that she was committing incest with Loras because Cersei projects a lot. The Margaery plot-line seems based a lot on Anne Boleyn, who was also accused of a lot of bonkers things for political reasons.

Are you kidding? Ramsay is possibly the most mustache-twirling, unambiguous villain on TV period. *Joffrey* was marginally more sympathetic than him. He is not a subtle character.

Yeah, I think you completely misread the show. It was absolutely not intended to be a satire and I have no idea how you could possibly have read it that way. It's a very bizarre interpretation.

Why was Nicole Brown not one of the "truly innocent" victims? Because she had once been married to the man who decapitated her?

I don't think anyone hero-worships the real Darden—I had never even heard of him prior to this series (I was too young to follow the original trial) and don't have any interest in the man himself. He was just a very compelling character and in that scene, he certainly came off as being in the right.

I was 8 years old when I saw Phantom Menace in the theater and did not have the faintest inkling that Jar Jar was a hated character until years and years later. I thought he was fine. My mom bought me a PEZ dispenser with his face on it at one point, so I think I might have even said something about liking the

The 1776 version is more historically accurate but the way that Hamilton anachronistically weaves in slavery is as much a part of the intent of the show, IMO, as the casting of non-white actors and the constant little references to immigrants. "America then as told by America now." America now finds slavery a lot more

I listened to the Hamilton cast album for the first time last week because I'd seen so much about it on the blogs/news sources I read. I haven't been as obsessed with a musical since I was a theater kid in high school. It's so incredibly well-written and conceived and honestly, as a non-white, immigrant American who

Because….oh God, I don't even know where to start. Because the way you dress is not an invitation to sexual assault? Because even $5 whores don't want to be raped or assaulted? Because dressing a certain way and raping someone are not equivalent or related crimes? Because again, the manner of your dress has nothing to

The book series has been over for nearly a decade but is still pretty ubiquitous. I wouldn't count on it. It's already more or less Stars Wars for my (born in the late 80s/90s) generation.