
Correct, I am not going to condescend to a large group of people and berate "them"
with what "they" need. I am going to acknowledge my privilege and call out racism, classism and patriarchy when I witness it. Good?

...which backfires, causing the extinction of all but a small ragtag band of survivors (who have lost all technology) including Hammond's granddaughter, Lex, who turns out to be mitochondrial eve, revealing the twist all along: that Jurassic Park is set in the past and we are simply repeating everything again *CUE

I'm fairly certain you can have sex after wearing ANY type of dress.

I'm a lumberjack, and I'm not OK :'(

Yes. Yes, he was. And we kept right on pumping our arms and walking as a pack, and several of us cackled loudly when he fell.

"She's so much smarter than I am and she's a woman! This is supposed to never happen!"

The cut is all wrong in just about every conceivable way, and it's really meant for a much younger woman. This would be adorable on her niece Emma, if tailored properly.

I think the dress s pretty, but doesn't fit her properly. The bunching around the ribs makes it seem ill fitting.

Aw, that's adorable. I like. :-)

The deeply disturbing trend of never allowing anyone to enjoy 5 fucking seconds of victory before shredding their accomplishments to pieces has become so very exhausting.

So hold on they literally think that she faked not making it 4 times...and then faked swimming it.

Ugh, Terry Richardson.

But... it's not legal so it's really just regular child trafficking.

I wouldn't call this "non-legalized adoption", I would call it "legalized child trafficking."

Also, here is an unrelated gif of a duck being vacuumed:

I guess I feel like there is a big difference between "we had sex and the condom broke, and I got pregnant" and "we had sex and were planning on using the pull-out method, but he'd had a bit to drink and we decided that just this once wouldn't hurt." The latter is a refrain I have heard from at least 5 or 6 of my

I just got a really nice cross-stitched tooth fairy pillow as a present from a friend for my birthday! It has a removable ribbon on it so my kid can hang it on the door. I was so excited!! I loved losing my teeth when I was little and saved them all (gross)!! I probably still have them all somewhere (even more

Right?? Just own it! I know two separate couples I had this convo with (people I know well enough to have this convo with):

If you're using the pullout method and you get pregnant, is that really an accidental pregnancy? This argument drives me crazy, and as my friends and I have shifted into our late 20s / early 30s I see it happening all the time. If you and your partner choose to forgo birth control and then get pregnant, I don't really

I didn't grow up on the tooth fairy, but in my family; the rule of thumb when it came to losing tooth was to throw it on the roof of the house.