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    It's the dumbest movie I've seen in awhile. There's nothing feminist about it. Or even misogynist. It's just too dumb for that. Plus, everyone needs a bath, stat.


    Well, your coworkers kind of suck, actually. I would simply say, "Okay." Then, smile. Look distant. Change the subject. They are doing this to get a rise out of you for some reason. Don't give them the satisfaction. Just smile. Be helpful. Do your job well. Wait and see who you should really be friends with and who

    You have to use condoms. And only have sex when no one is having symptoms. And even then, you can catch it. But, people really do go on with their relationships.

    No. Because I'm not wrong. But, feel free to try to fight me with fake smugness. I know what you meant. You know what you meant. Sheesh. Just admit it. You were talking about one thing and the article is discussing another and you misunderstood.

    Tell your friends to knock it off with the pitying looks. You are living your life, and there's no time table for it or requirements to do certain things at certain times. Be proud of all you've accomplished!

    Ah. It's possible then. Or, if they have multiple partners, it might not be you.

    Okay, you are NOT a whore. You are an adult person who has sex. That's completely normal. No more of that! You are a good person, I'm sure, who has sex and then, got an illness. Herpes can happen even if you use condoms. I'm going to assume you are using condoms. If you are not using condoms, you need to do that, of

    John Tucker Must Die. I feel so ridiculous, but I love to watch this silly movie.

    Al-Anon. I would go and at least hear other peoples' stories. Then, you can make some decisions. You might consider getting a professional to talk to this stuff about, too.

    And no one is disagreeing with that, least of all me. But, I would still wait for the professionals to agree. That seems smart.

    My child HATED the autoflush. Until she turned five and the words "underwear" and "bottom" became hilarious. Then, it became the most hilarious joke ever. That I hear over and over and over and over and over and ...

    Well, again, not going to armchair diagnose. Just something to mention to the doctor when the time comes to have him evaluated. It might be something more related to how very smart he is, as opposed to the spectrum. Even if it is the spectrum, I agree it's good to think of it as more like a personality trait. :)

    Honestly, the only one that might concern me would be his interaction with other children, if it's very repetitive and not just excitement. But, I would still stick with my medical professionals' advice. Everyone else has had their say. Time for them to let you guys be his parents.

    He doesn't respond to people talking to him? I'm not going to diagnose him, as I am not a professional, but really, it sounds like he's three. They do that. Some of them do that more than others. My child would ignore me, and everyone else, outright.

    If he's on track, what in the world are they using as criteria?

    Do what the professionals in medicine tell you. And move your child to a different school. The people at one of my child's preschools were constantly trying to diagnose my child and all the other children there with something. Your child may have this, but no real diagnosis can be made at this time. Go with the people

    Well, it is North Dakota. I mean, no offense, but it's pretty miserable there a large part of the year.

    Farmer's market might be a possibility. Local farmer who sells you part of his or her production that he keeps for himself or herself. Grass-fed is labeled often as well.