
LMAO. Could you fucking NOT?

if you like his cars, you shoulda seen his logs.

He made some nice cars, though.

Hello mother. Last time I checked, the games are in SK.

Fuck that literal mother fucker

Or the Cursed Child.

At its worst fanfiction is 50 Shades of Grey.

If crazy had a make-up pallette, she is wearing its starter kit.

I’ll eat at my pace, you eat at yours, and if either of our eating paces are the deciding factor in “getting laid” or not, then good. I have no interest in such a pretentious shitheel of a person who thinks they’re “more civilized” or otherwise superior because they ingest food at a different rate.

YOU IDIOT! Shut the hell up! Don’t you know if she gets elected that YOU GET A CAR!

To quote my friend I shared it to on Facebook: “Imagine that each person in the world has this—or something like it—hiding inside their head, a truest act of self expression waiting to bubble out. We are a world of Rorschachs in a prison with one another.”

Now playing

Say what you will about the others, this one is solid gold:

I do not know the gentleman described in this article, and so I will not comment upon him directly.

What I will say is that there’s a definite line between standard “shit talk” in an online game and being an absolute piece of human garbage—for me, anyway.

That line tends to exist between saying, “O, you got REKT, son,”

it’s excellent! What’s your fave track?

Pyre is amazing. One of my faves this year for sure and agreed! It’s an insanely interesting way to blend story with gameplay (and emotionally at that). One of my favorite soundtracks this year too! I must have gifted the game to at least two people this year. XD

I thought the king of the hill character’s voice actress (Britany Murphy) but then I remembered she passed away.

Jesus Christ, guys, nobody’s painting over the Mona Lisa here. They’re taking him out of a cartoon. We haven’t gone full Orwellian just yet.

Agreed. How the fuck is all of this not malpractice?

Every motherfucking doctor that touched his son needs sued to hell.