
That was an accident.

I just realized Kevin is me lol


Now playing

I would like to come out of the shadows now and announce I have long believed Dwight is the hottest male on The Office. May God help me.

I’m gonna just leave these here because Kevin is great.

I’ll never be able to scrub the Ghastly Grinner from my mind/

Wow, good for her. That’s gutsy.

The Dangerous Soup was always my favorite

THANK YOU. THAT GD VAMPIRE. I still have some form of un-dealt with trauma about his long, spindly fingers and the high pitched music when he exited the movie screen.

The Tale of the Crimson Clown still scares me to this day.

This one from the Disney channel gave me nightmares for years.

The video game was so much creepier to me, mostly because my only opportunities to play it were after the girl scout troop mom had a red wine passout and her kid let us all gather ‘round and scream at whoever was trying to run from that damn mummy.

Now playing

That’s cool and all but I would be more interested in a Zeke the Plumber feature film

Anyone remember the episode about chameleons where all the evil chameleons were played by iguanas?

Guess we know who has some skeletons in his closet.

yeah, that looks like a direct call out from her. good catch!

Don’t buy the game.