
Aww man, Julian Assange must be so pissed Twitter stopped giving him attention again.

I feel like a lot of companies have great ideas but get burned by trying to shovel it into a FPS because “That’s what sells”...

Yeah, the story aspect is so great that the mechanics get a pass...the shooting is pretty clunky and it never really feels “great” in infinite for me...

Im happy to here youre liking Bioshock2! I agree man. I was one of the few who loved it on launch (never understood the hate..seems more of a bandwagon thing to me) anyway yea, thats awesome you found a new appreciation for it!!!!!!! Love that

Ungh, I played all the bioshocks “back in the day” and they didn’t age well for me...

I am offended that the headline says Pokemons.

The problem is that no one cares about Pokemon anymore

The plural of Pokemon is Pokemon

Xzibit really doesn’t know when to stop, does he?

Considering Cranston actually talked about past allegations against him, this was a more hard-hitting interview than Fallon did with Trump and Clinton.

So then, everyone is cool with Fallon again? Just checking.

Ruff One

Christ. I’ve seen some terrible, terrible shit on the internet so this doesn’t induce any physical reactions in me and ultimately doesn’t really even rank, but damned if I wasn’t struck wide eyed and agape with surprise by it.

Grotesque sexualized violence against women being portrayed in a comedic light? What a novel concept, how very droll.

I knew this guy 10 years ago. I’m utterly disgusted.

It was gross, then got grosser, and then I threw up.

That dude looks like Trump’s dick. The fuck does he get off doing/saying what he does?

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. What in the ever loving fuck did I just watch? I....can’t. find. words.

Wow, I’ve read his reviews for years, but never really followed him on Twitter.

While I enjoyed his reviews, I always got a sense of him being on a “high horse”, sorta preachy, and kind of a bully.