
Thank God. I thought I was the only one.

Snapchat should just Fucking die already. The CEO is a complete cunt.

Sorry everyone, I’ve been a complete bell end in my posts here. Too stupid to admit when I was wrong.

Ignore Charlitos, they are a known iTard Troll

I think you’ll find that they thought that they were wonderful and revolutionary before the iPad Pro and Stylus.

Surface has been selling by the bucket loads. The reviews are awesome. Whatever they’ve got coming should be interesting.

Aint that the troof.

No, no they didn’t. What they made, which is the most embarrassing bit, is they made a Surface RT. This is in no way a Surface Pro. A Surface Pro can run full desktop applications, this can’t

I’ll accept an apology from you for calling me a ‘stupid ignorant f@ck wannabe’, please supply one.

Sorry, I think you’re replying to the wrong person. I’ve not said anything other than my experiences. You probably want to direct your ‘stupid ignorant f@ck wannabe’ comment to NaughtyOne as that’s the person you appear to be describing.

You have no Fucking valid point. You’re making assumptions that are incorrect, that’s a Fucking hell of a cheek. I’m a professional Developer who works with Global developers and your description of what a professional developer is bears no resemblance to anything I’ve ever come across.

No, I’m Fucking not you Gimp. I’m talking about Developers for companies that have Global profiles developing stuff for other huge profile companies. I have yet to meet a Developer who develops on a system where they can’t test it before submitting it to proper testers. You are talking completely out of your ass. I’m

Interesting. I’ve never yet met a developer that has a low powered system. Everyone that I’ve ever met has got the most powerful that they can afford and generally run their local testing on Vm’s. Oh well, each to their own.

That’s not actually true. Most development systems are powerful.

We let you lot do the George Washington statues ‘cross the pond, coz we already have enough statues of blokes in wigs. Don’t need no more.

In the U.K. this would be called a ham jam sammich

As a software developer I’m appalled at how Fucked your pc must have been. I went through the upgrade on Four devices, including one tablet and the longest time it took was a couple of hours.

It’s kind of like any Apple advert from the past few years.

Fuck off you ignorant Cunt. We were having a civilised discussion, no one mentioned who created it first. We don’t need your Fucking trolling here.

Yeah pretty much. I remember the first time I came across them, I thought, WTF. But it is a really cool feature.