
Wonder how long till they cancel this one.

That is awesome. Want.

Terrible isn't it. Oh well. I shall take it as a form of flattery. :-)

It certainly is, but that's the problem with Kinja it's so bust that it positively encourages people like the douche above. Still, they do say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Cool username by the way.

Just so you know, the post you're replying to isn't mine, it's someone called everyonesvoice who is posing as me.

Just so you know, the post you're replying to isn't mine, it's someone called everyonesvoice who is posing as me.

Just so you know, the post you're replying to isn't mine, it's someone called everyonesvoice who is posing as me.

Just so everyone knows, their is an A-Hole trawling around Gawker posing as me. I've reported them, lets just hope Kinja do something about it. Childish. Their Account is here. It's shocking they haven't even got the wit to have a username remotely like mine. I mean fancy creating an account with everyonesvoice as

Just so everyone knows, the above person has been trawling around Gawker posing as me. I've reported them, lets just hope Kinja do something about it. Childish.

Nah, its definitely you. You sound like you are on some kind of register. Do they allow you access to a computer in solitary confinement?

If you have to question this then the big deal is you.

What I meant to say was that XBox music is awesome of course.

With Zuckerberg it's all about the money. That's his first thought and his last thought.

Sorry I've been behaving like a complete Ass. I apologise for being a dick.

What is the point of this? Jobs was just a jumped up salesman end of story. Why do we have to have more crap like this?

Absolutely. Jobs was nothing but a glorified salesman. Why are we still making films about this joker?