
I get such a Clouseau/Kato vibe from them and this is why it works so well

i always thought she'd end up with Jared……just….coz……THAT GUY F***S

totally agree; TPAB was phenomenal and something that stadns on its own; this is a good album, but I don't think it matched GKMC….that's not a knock, it's personal more so than the others and as you say, it's a good album rather than a great one; by his own standards only does it come across lesser

Always Blue

cannot upvote this enough

I think losing Ambrose and Miz was tough, but theyy're mic skills and really primary role as talkers works for RAW which needs the filler segments more than SD.
I am a big big big fan of Bliss and wish she stayed on SD as I think character wise they nail it but Charlotte is a great replacement for mic and ring work
I do

now that would be a fun feud with Tye

I'm guessing they wanna keep Orton face for now, although I think he;'s much stronger as a heel and a Zayn feud would have been fire!!! I do like that it's out of the blue and makes more sense for the land of opportunity aspect though

suck ass loser??????? surely you don't mean Hunter

agreed; for a while prior to WM, Ascension and Breezeango had strong showings in tag matches and this is what they need to do….not dominate, but give a performance and see how the crowd react; the support for Breezeango especially would go through the roof like New Day i think

a very good point, while i would love to see a Miz title reign, or Ambrose take on Nakamura, the greatest of matches will come from AJ/Nakamura/Owens/Zayn/Tye/Ziggler/Harper pairings

agreed; it's all personal opinion of course, but for me I wouldn't hesitate to say he was the second best on planet right now (before i get lynched i should state i don't watch NJPW lol)

I guess this issue is that when you do factions, you either have to have at least one rival faction, or you end up retreading the nWo/DX path
also it takes up a lot of stars that could otherwise be used in solo feuds etc
I admit i miss the good old days, but the lack of them nowadays means that when we do get a power

Corin is coming along very nicely, a few more months and he should be champ. Style has to stay face along with Nakamura, Zayn, and Tye…you then have Rusev, Corbin, Owens, Harper and I agree that Orton should be heel…he's much stronger that way and seeing him and Styles would be a great match up

you missed out "Vintage Orton!!!"

Dean really did carry SD and to an extent WWE with his workrate; his matches with HHH and KO as stated were truly fantastic, and the triple threat between him AJ and Corbin on SD was PPV worthy. I think he is a loss, and sadly moving will not return him to where he should be as Raw will always be the Reigns/Balor show

I hear ya; Miz was def due a title reign and feud with AJ as face would have been epic! but there is no way RAW utilises him the way SD did; he'll be feuding with Crews et al…..still lets all be happy that Rusev can be saved and AJ STAYED!!!!!

agreed; if they build his monster rep back up, he can be a great asset for SD like he was when he debuted…
i wanna see a Rusev Zayn feud first though

also Dirty Deeds being a DDT no?

Fast Five was def the peak, but I think 6 and 7 were worthy follow ups……this is as fun as them for me