
I demand to know who challenges this!!!

I don't care……the series has really developed into a high-octane fun bunch of movies and the characters are familiar as old friends you meet up with every few years for a night of mayhem!!! I loved it!!!!!

Okay, I can get behind this! As much as I miss Miz, Ambrose and Wyatt, the mic skills and ring ethic of KO, Zayn, Charlotte and New Day are actually solid additions.

omg; I completely forgot the fire that THAT feud was; it really launched the Miz this past year and now instead of the WWE title reign he was due against AJ, we're left with him stuck in mid-card battles with Crews/Sheamus and def being buried by Reigns/Rollins/Ambrose/Finn and Joe

I absolutley dreaded AJ moving to RAW so am delighted he and Nakamura are en route to a MOTY or 5
having said tat, SD lost 4 big players in Miz, Ambrose, Bray and Alexa. The Miz and Ambrose have really carried the show along with AJ and while Cena was out; Ambrose being such a consistent worker and Miz having had the


exactly! no way is he going over Balor, Rollins, Owens or reigns…..I am now more confident than ever he is staying! Ambrose will probably switch, along with *chokes up* Bliss, and maybe someone like Harper

whilst AJ moving to Raw is a travesty, the idea of Bliss moving makes me question everything!!!!
I think the AJ face turn is a sign he's staying and Nakamura has to….HAS TO… the end game for this!

disagree as both shows had the unfortunate tasks of putting on a great show while knowing they cannot move forward with their storylines until next week's Swap

Nakamura is finally here and we are about to see him work with the best on the mic…The Miz (great intro feud to build up the inevitable dream match against AJ)
I think Tye is really underrated and should be a strong midcarder which is exactly what SD need (Ziggler, Crews, Corbin) will be great opponents for him

never wanted to start a Daniel Bryan "YES!" chant more than at this comment

agreed; I was sure (and dreading) AJ leaving, but this makes it seem like a face turn is imminent and with Orton as champ or Bray surely that feud is about to kick off meaning he stays….and they cannot deprive us of a dream AJ v Nakamura match at Survivor Series right????

I think AJ's face turn signals he is staying…..i pray for this!!!!

I was hoping for AJ v Nakamura but they should build to that for SS (Summer or Survivor) so Miz is a great first feud for him; as Tye and Ziggler are (both should bring out some great matches in the other)

Soft Draft talk!!
Probably swaps —
To RAW — AJ, Harper(?)
To SD — Roman, Charlotte, Zayn?

Aj is sadly def going to RAW; leaving maybe Zayn or even Rollins to go over and keep the main event scene packed with star ames, because at the moment they have Cena on leave and AJ surely going so it's Orton, Wyatt, Miz and Ambrose (possibly Corin) but the faces are outnumbered for sure


hoping so; I think SD badly need a second babyface, and Nakamura, Zayn and Ambrose could carry it well along with Orton, but surely Reigns needs to stick the tweener line they toed tonight

never change Viking Man…..never change

that is exactly what I am afriad of; Styles is def moving as he's the best there is; but that leaves SD down a big character….i'd be okay with Reigns moving if he keeps his badass/heel role and develops that, but not if he is a babyface again…..I think he has solid work and puts in great matches so a feud with Ambrose