
I really cannot believe they took the title off Wyatt…..SD needs a monster heel and he would have been perfect, after his years of being terribly booked….euh…I like Orton and the build was solid….but come on!!!
Ambrose and Corbin being off the card just shows how the IC title work that Miz did has gone

The Wyatt/Orton feud is sooooooo ridiculous that I love it!!! Orton really excelled in his feud with Taker and this just helps push Bray into more of a big stage presence…..I think their match will be solid and the build for it has been near perfect! here's hoping Bray retains though as surely Miz is next on the scene

very true

he's dating Chloe Bennet….so i am fine seeing him suffer :)

A very good point! Has anyone actually confirmed it's Shane they're talking about?

Man that was a fun ep! not amazing, or perfect storytelling with fantastic matches, but damn was it fun

totally agree; The Miz can carry anything/anyone and make it seem like it belongs or that it's a natural storytelling convention and that is real real talent! I think Miz must be due a title shot after WM and maybe even something with AJ would be fierce

every single week!!!! I am convinced Nakamura debuts at WM or the first SD Live after when AJ emerges having absolutely whooped Shane…..

makes you wish we all had caught on sooner and forced them to change plans again this year :(

say what you want about Shane, he sells like a pro! right level of intensity in that

I wonder what the whole Shane/Ambrose tension was from a few months back…..was that a potential plan?
I really like the build for Styles/Shane but as everyone says a match really shouldn't happen, especially not at WM….

she is one of the stronger ones for sure; but I think a program with James would really help her and the division as a whole. She at least has a character that is unique and along with Bliss I see her as the dominant heel for the future…good opponent to someone like Asuka or Peyton

oh god really???/ I kinda hate that about Orton, but yeah….you can see that from him….agreed on Dolph he seemed such a wonderful radio-jockey type person that I am now questioning exactly what the Spirit Squad stood for

I will defend Signs to my dying day!!!!

agreed; Becky deserves it for sure and her and Bliss have the best feud going for the women; Mickie and Carmella could develop nicely as it would give Carmella the chance to work with a great ring and mic worker — for me Asuka has to debut post WM; ideally challenging Bliss

now THAT i can get behind!!!

Whilst I hate that we aren't getting Styles v Nakamura or even Styles v Ambrose at WM…..the build to this angle with Shane is pretty much on point. the fact that he has legit gripes makes it even more compelling a storyline than the usual heel promos. The serious nature of his character is what was missing from his

I get your point, but I do think it's escalated with Reigns past the point where its character based……there does seem to be a real vendetta against him personally; no one else gets it like this (maybe Cena? and he's too big to be impacted by it) Reigns is still young in terms of experience and I feel for him with the

they come up with great ways to hit the RKO OUTTA NOWHERE but damn if that Phenomenal Forearm-fake out wasn't on point!!!

Well done for continuing to watch after that ep lol
A bad ep but not Beer Bad!!!