
"you've just been Crotched!"

Unfriended actually gets better each time you see it; and also funnier

well…..we see the doll get made here right? so you could still have a prequel to this which explores a tragic China factory (someone get Christopher Walken on the phone!!!!)

the first is fantastic, but the character work and build up in the second is truly phenomenal

the good part is that most (not all) stand on their own as solid horrors and if you are intrigued they can seemlessly guide you to one of the linked stories…..the subtle universe building actually seems to work (as long as they don't get too easter-eggy like DC)

this is what i wish remakes/reboots did; take movies that had solid potential but weren't executed correctly the first time, and better them

close, but Monorail has to pip it

you mean "aunty"? *scattered applause*

I really like English, he has this great heat gimmick and a natural style in the ring that means he could work with pretty much anyone (Zayn/Tye being good feuds for him)
The Usos are really nailing their stuff in a way that makes me wonder why this wasn't pulled earlier
Fashion Police…….never change!
agreed on the

this was the best Styles v Owens match we've had and I think Summerslam should be a solid end to their feud
I'm pretty happy for English's push as the midcard needs more to it, especially if Harper is being saved for the tag team with Rowan? Major rumours say Sami gets the next title push against Corbin (along with

fantastic post; I agree about the wonder/superhero aspect that appeals to all children and this carries through…..
it's the same psychology of why Bollywood movies are so popular; the outlandish/fantastical nature offers that escape from everyday life that most media seems hellbent on portraying "realistically"

real talk; the problem is Jordan doesn't have the charisma to take this angle and develop it into something that can build him up the roster….so he'll likely lean on it to long which will make him into a joke rather than a star (see Cena with his Doctor of Thugonomics or New Day)
of course he may come of age and make

yeah, it was a nasty bump and seemed a little like Cena expected a side suplex? either way, Nakamura seemed concerned and Cena as ever was professional beyond belief. you can see why the WWE loves Cena as he is a superstar through and through, massive respect to him for putting Owens, Styles, Nakamura over and things

yep; if somehow Corin doesn't cash in, then that will be the surprise of the year

i'm not sure, Gable always seemed to connect to the audience way more than Jordan did (it may be intentional from their roles in NXT but I think it just comes more naturally to Gable) course, it made more sense for Gable to have been the one chosen for the Angle errrrr angle……but I guess WWE felt Jordan needed that

but we already know how good it will be

damn is SDL back on track; three golden matches, Fashion Peaks, Gable getting some good screen time
Now I'm just waiting for Nakamura to win the title, Corbin's cash in, Sami to get a major push post SummerSlam and AJ's open challenge to get the best out of Tye, Gable, English, Harper, Dango, Breeze, etc….

I get your point, but I think Sami losing here will actually come to his benefit (he's rumoured for a huge push post Summerslam) also, English deserves some building up and it helps him to win over Sami as he needs it more

I felt it matched both the main events tonite and that says alot about the talent of Gable and Rusev; to sell that match with no build up. I love when there are new and creative pairings in the ring and this was refreshing (Gable is def a huge star in the making, and I feel bad for Jordan who will drown in RAW with

the song came SCREAMING back to me #Spuffy