
why oh why did you not end that sentence with "….and YOU CAN'T…TEACH….THAT!!!"?

finally worth watching Raw lol

he is a great wrestler IMHO, but he does have a tendency to never dominate matches and like his hair is on fire…..that should change with his persona change…..

I think they have been lazy with the storytelling to an extent, but they have had some great hints (like Slater and Rhyno or the Wyatts winning) injuries and quick fixes have led to them basically going back to the beginning with these teams, but I think we are now seeing the seeds come to fruition with AA and Uso's

a very good point my friend

I worry solo wouldn't work for him as his character really is built around Bray…..a twisted family dynamic who hold the titles and power? now that's a way to tell a story

The slow burn of the Orton Bray match is perfect and exactly what it needs to be….having Orton turn on Bray would be obvious and really boring, but this twisted loyalty thing……with Harper thrown in….now that is not where I expected the story to go…..Harper as a face, Orton as a heel!!! The triple threat would be epic

it's one of those weird moments where his character is working right for the first time in a long time….so thankfully they've picked the best time to do it

good point, I do think they can build a very good promo out of the match, and whilst we would all love to see Styles v Nakamura…at least having AJ there against the boss is a good way to keep him front and centre (if he's not in the title picture….and right now, I can't imagine a better main event than a Wyatt triple

Yeah it's a great way to build a feud, especially for these characters; it feels organic that they would hunt each other down, and also means we don't get the matches too early and get bored by WM…I think it'll be one of those cases where both men will win and come out looking good.

I think she comes across with character and that is something unique as bland as some of the interviewers can be….she is awesome on Talking Smack and anything to keep hr on screen for me is a win

totally agree! Harper looked amazing, but if you have to lose a match, there's not many finishers better than an OUTTA NOWHERE RKO!
The Chamber match was perfectly booked as you say and each guy did what he needed to for his own story, and to set up future matches…..that is perfect storytelling

best option; maybe he doesn't even need a character, but seriously needs some time on the mic to get across who he is (even some decent matches would be welcome as he is very very skilled)

i agree with your point, however I would say that it's nice to not "see the title change coming" (I know everyone saw this win as Orton won the RR but stay with me lol)
Bayley is set to dethrone Charlotte, Cena was set to tie Flair, Reigns beats everyone lol, sometimes it's nice for a momentum shift as drastic as Bray

great point!!!

totally agree (Bray is great but you could argue he doesn't deserve it as he's done nothing but lost) however, winning can be the step they need to solidify their character and for Naomi especially (like with Bliss) being in the title picture can be a great step for her

fair enough, I think we've seen stronger showings from all three recently, but more is certainly due so we can start to see some order to the division

I wasn't interested in the original feud between Orton and Wyatt but recently it as been possibly the most engaging story line in all WWE. I hope they continue the odd family/betrayal angle throughout the Road to WM and not just have them at each other's throats….the continuation of the family would be much more


i think the screen time Ascension and Vaudevillians and Breezango have been getting is good and WWE testing the water to see who can generate heat or love from the crowd (Breezango especially have been doing very well and I can see them being the next ones to get the push against heel champs