
The crowd popped big for Bray and he looked very strong winnig it against two of the greats so that's even better…..I trust the story between the family leading to WM will be more of the twisted loyalty angle played out recently and that gets me pumped for it

I'm a big Alexa fan and liked the shock of Naomi getting the win.
I disagree with some others when they say she doesn't deserve this or isn't champ material. in the ring she is solid, and yes she needs work on the mic, but maybe just maybe this reign can push her into that level. over the years she has been loyal and i

i expect that to be reliant on Miz selling it like he has been the past year and Cena getting amped up for his lady's honour etc…..i trust SD to pull it off

ahhh so that's what "I'll be Watching You" is about LOL

strait fire!!!! lol

good point about character working as heel/face…..I think tweener is the new go to, as it can all change/flip depending on who's facing who? Ambrose walks that line best for me, and I can see Bray/Orton do it as well. Miz is the best heel in the company as he can get heat without playing it cool (Owens falls into that

Breezango deserve the Slater/Rhyno push and I would love to see Slater move into a mid-card solo face roll for Ziggler/Harper/Miz to feud with

Styles has excelled as a heel (his mic work has really gone up to match Cena and Miz) so I see why they keep him like that, but I agree with your point.
Itami, Dillinger and Nakamura would be perfect guys to call up right now and ive each of the top heels something to build off

a very good point and I didn't even pick up on it first time! He really can work this angle and it is soooo good for whoever he is working with; Bryan doesn't need it really, and it even elevates him!!!

yeah that was an unexpected delight….I guess none of the others are suited so it was by default, but it would be great to see them get some backing

I understand the point, but I also think that the schedule of EC throws SD into a bit of a problem here…as stated in the review, the Road To WM can't really take centre stage (especially for Orton) until EC is done with and we know exactly who is facing who…
They may know this already, but from a storytelling

has anyone noticed that Breezango have gotten to look very good in recent weeks….no wins sadly, but they have developed very well as a team, and I wonder if this isn't just SD Live's way of establishing a pecking order for the tag division

I badly wanted Bray to challenge AJ at WM but they can still explore this when the inevitable push comes

Great callback to the Wedding episode with Boyle and Papa Boyle doing the same thing, follwed by Gina saying "you're the worst family in history" lol

Me too! The first name of the actor and the second of the character is what must have done it

Never got the Gina push as she is the least fav character for me and never really loses out to anyone; the halloween ep this season was the worst

which is where Dillinger should fit in

interesting; i feel it was full speed ahead and that worked to its advantage…..everyone seemed to have purpose and the lack of filler (which can be seen as slow burning of course, but more often than not is just recycled matches that have little/no impact on anything) was greatly appreciated. Corbin is being thrown in

I think we're about to see the hard work SD has done with characters like The Miz, Bray Wyatt, Corbin and Ziggler come to fruition and they will step into the main event scene! the best part is it doesn't really even have to be around the title, as you now have the IC title with some real stakes thanks to the

with the limited talent, plus the exceptional matches they put on, it's no wonder people would rather see Styles v Ambrose again and again over the shoddy booking of Reigns/Owens/Jericho