
I'll think about it when they have New Belgium friend flasks. Or Stella Artois chap chalices. Woodchuck well-wisher tankards?

Finally a real article on lifehacker with some real data to back up the argument.

She then goes on to say how she was "raped for 14 consecutive days" by Russian soldiers.

I'm confused. Where in Florida is Seoul?

Now playing

Eventually people will just sing their own names.

Let me see if I get this straight, a pair of flip-flops is now called binder clips?

Maybe I'm lost in translation, but in the picture I can see a pair of flip-flops inside the boots to keem them upright. Don't see any binder clip, though.

Any chance of that list of meals that takes 30m or less? Sounds useful!

Gotta love not giving Minnesota one of those outdoor games. Those fools love hockey and freezing outside. Why not give them both at the same time!

55600 is her self destruct code.

wasnt this the point of Arena football?