

I actually feel bad for the guy.

Who the sam hell would buy their dog “Sportmix High Energy 10-HOUR Boost ULTRA MAX” dogfood?

Feel free to donate some of the extra money you don’t need to some folks that could really use it. Like anyone working in sectors that have been hit hardest economically by covid. 85% percent of my yearly income vanished and may never come back. The only plus least I’m forced get serious and change careers.

Did YOU read what you wrote?

Wow. So you and all the likely very similarly circumstanced people you know kept your jobs?? That’s an incredible statistical anomaly! No really. Kindly stfu and move along.

I’ve seen the guides and don’t want to jinx it. You have to understand I couldn’t even repair my joycon when the stick on it drifted more than the cars in Initial D.

I’ve come to terms with replatforming my Mac Mini :D

(Oh shit, that was supposed to go to the person below this. Catie, I’m with you. Mac Mini FTW!)

The 2018 is quite easy to upgrade the ram yourself. I put 32gb in mine for a fraction of what Apple would charge.

They also, even more indirectly, announced Kirby Fighters 1 to me in particular.

I just love her.

Oh my god, relax.

Is Jez really doing a story about “how will the short little black lady swim”??? About the most amazing U.S. amateur female athlete? Yikes.

nothing says “I am a dickhead named Paul” better than the phrase “bemused r-words”

Right?  I’d sooner take an updated version of the 1960s Batman TV show.

Well. This looks bad...

My wife wrote a great article about her experience. (I drew the illustration)

I think you’re ruining it with this crude warning showing up first in the comments.

Correct me if my interpretation of your comment is incorrect, please.

Realty Quest III: Curse Of The Closing Costs 

You mean “Butterz Nom Nomz: Flavor 2000 Crunch Sauze” can give me popcorn lung???!!