
There’s just no comparison. Any digital artist will agree. But for starters, you can’t even try a diagonal line on Surface pen tech without extreme jitter. Surface requires constantly re calibration to account for parallax. As far as the slickness goes, the iPad pros actually have tooth in the glass. The resistance of

I wish they could get the pen tech down. As it stands it’s inferior to Apple’s.

Fuck you

How about a BPRD, Hellboy, or maybe even League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

What was even funny about this?

Why does the headline say it’s the blackest paint and then say in the article that it is in fact NOT the blackest paint.

Looks awfully reflective to be Vanta.

I think it’s time for more transparency. Instead of stealing your data. Now we are going to SHOW you HOW we are stealing your data. Overall I think you will be very happy with the new model.

If she had like a deep southern American accent would people still take her seriously?

So are we ready to write off Killer Mike now too because the other night he was agreeing with everything she was saying....

Reeeeeboooooot. I really don’t care about reboots. They don’t delete the originals. They usually suck but are usually fun to watch or at the very least make fun of.

Life has no purpose, no meaning. I don’t wanna host this show no more.

Pleasant distractions have a purpose too!

Purchased. Thanks for the tip!

Purchased. Thanks for the tip!

I agree with the endings part. Almost every ending went off the deep end. Like, there’s the end. NO. THIS IS THE END. With Aliens!

The only skit in the whole show I found even remotely funny was the “Don’t get a whoopin play by play” skit.

Ends with Killer Mike yelling at everybody.

I took me ten years to finish GTA IV

Is Crissy Teigen black?