

This caterwauling is unlistenable at best. There seems to be a disturbing erosion of good taste these days.

I thought Doki Doki Panic was the Japanese Mario 2


He should be charged with “Being a white woman”. And he’s probably late for the press conference because he’s in the middle of his favorite passtime “mirror screaming”

Fuck you, Man-baby.

Kind of disappointing how little thought they have actually put into it. There are technical reasons for the poor design layout of the space station in the original. 1:1 recreating the same exact spaces with 4k textures is kind of lazy I think.

Ugh. Millennials...

The jokes just write themselves.... is the best Tetris

The amount of hate for Bernie on here is pretty surprising. 

Use a ruler, no line smoothing. It’s mostly a problem for people like me who work mostly freehand in pen/line work.

It’s a common problem throughout every surface device. They all use the same flawed pen technology. Try to draw a straight diagonal line. You can’t.

Not being able to draw a diagonal line is a deal breaker for me. 


Update killed my save game. Yay.

What you don’t have can’t be learned, I’m afraid. If you painted a portrait of you Great Aunt Bertie with Scholiosis, it would have 100 times more artist integrity than your palsy handed finger paints in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 95....And I bet she’d even do it for a sponge bath... Seriously though, Kiddo. Learn the

So you post some 12 year old’s MS Paint work from Deviant Art and you call yourself a “real artist”. You my friend, need an Enlightenment. Although some of the masters used camera lucida, they learned the basics first. You are literally just carbon copying photographs...Other peoples compositions! Art is self

LOL... Well you’ve proven ONE thing. You DEFINITELY plagiarized (poorly at that) the first one and you have absolutely MASTERED the art of face murder... This is really too much man. The fact that you don’t know...haha. Well keep at it. Maybe tone down the over confidence. It isn’t going to serve you.