
Let’s hope it happens before Trump gets elected.

Rick and Morty and Adventure Time are notably absent.

So tired of these paid betas.

Game is playable for me. I have a HD 7770

Overused meme is overused

I worry about you Mike. I’m not even kidding.

Proprietary as in “made up”.

One thing they need to reward is accuracy and not taking damage. That incentivises precision. In these games it’s too easy to just barrel through everything.

They could have just as easily called this Quake V

[You are such a negative asshole] and you bring the whole fucking team down. It is an embarrassment being on a fucking team with you, you dumb-ass, son of a fucking bitch! If I see [unintelligible] I will fucking rape you to death!

Not weird. Just kind of gay.

No . Hipster. You hipster hipster. A hipster. ME NO HIPSTER. YOU.

That lil dude is at least 3. Let’s not sensationalize this.

I assume this is what lesbian sex looks like.

Underrated little gem this was.

Schrodinger’s cat evoked. Go away.


Still worked for me after every update, Noodlez.

It was after I installed it.

BetterTouchTool added this to OSX years ago