
Yes it is.

Are you friends with Jamie or is it a purely business relationship?

Get ready to be disappointed

Buying this game!

By 2020 Batfleck will probably be old enough to do The Dark Knight Returns.

This is obviously a photoshop filter. I did just buy a Sensu Solo about 30 seconds ago though...So good job haha.

Uggh. I hope they're paying you at least.

I feel like this honest trailer missed the entire point of the movie...

Resident Evil and Silent Hill were the last times I was actually terrified. Never been able to get that high back since.

This mechanic kind of defines the whole game. It's overpowering to the point that using the mechanic in another open world game would just seem silly.


Why not throw a condom in there?

Why not throw a condom in there?

Let's not throw around the word 'artist'. The twerps are just kicking doors in. Also dogs don't typically work. but good for you. I've had an idiot try and kick mine in twice while I was home and he couldn't do it.

Do you think young Japanese folks don't have sex anymore because there is not enough sexual repression in their culture?

Dude. Evil Within is just another Resident Evil. Talk about rehashing. Of course I'm playing it though...ahah. Shadow of Mordor uses elements from several different IPs but has such a refreshing new mechanic in the Nemesis system. AAA titles build on each other and improve on each other as new tech is made available.

I was going to say that. Why does Fallout get credit?

PC please!

Adobe needs more props for being super productive, supportive, and innovative.

I thought Banner Saga was an arty Oregon Trail.

We NEED more games like this and Hyper Light Drifter hurray.