Ari Bell-X1

So, can you explain what virtually no support means if it doesnt mean that yes there is support?

Violence by citizens sure, violence by cops is still pretty high.

Virtually no support means that yes there indeed is support but its not support *I* choose to care about.

Why are you defending a weasel worded fact checker?

If Karma truely existed, you would have your child murdered by a cop and then told by hateful violent people you shouldnt be freightened, it was only one child.

You could just have said I support cops murdering people and it would have been much shorter Mr troll.

Nice scare quotes.

Its been more than a handful, and I feel like children being executed in the streets by cops who are sometimes given a reward for their deed is indeed a hill worth dying on.

I’m pretty sure pointing out that a fact checker needed to massage terms and add qualifiers to get things to look the way he wanted was in fact a refutation to his argument. Claiming a toy gun is the same as a real gun isn’t ‘reading the stats different’ its making shit up.

Or do you believe that everything is true

Its also interesting how the certainly not racists have maneuvered us into needing to qualify that these people murdered by the police were unarmed, as if being armed in america is a reasonable instant death sentence.

While it’s bad that the cops kill more unarmed black people than white people, it should be equally as

Meanwhile a white man wanders around a black neighborhood with a real AR-15 and is confronted by the police, who want to know how he likes the new style grip and if he wants any water while exercising his 2nd amendment rights to carry a weapon.

You can tell a racist jackboot licker from how often it’s suggested *they* are killing each other more, so extra-judicial state sponsored executions of black children really isn’t a problem. Really who hasn’t killed a black child or two with government backing.

Are there any Op Ed pages that arent garbage? Its always as if they went to youtube and started asking for long form versions of KillaSndngr69420's manifesto.

British man, No no, Im fine with my boiled potatoes and cabbage. I might even live on the edge and add salt, but thats only when I want something spicey.”

Fear that others will do to them what they want to do to others.

How does this surprise anyone?
In and Out is LDS and subtle but proud of it. Of course theyre going to donate to the hates women party, that’s who they are.

Are you referencing a black man? If Yes, then yes.

Stay classy florida!

Youre right, its really hard to know a person’s intentions when they call someone a known racial insult.

Sure you are, sure you are. *eyeroll*

Its been clear its always been a farse considering THC with a brand stamp on it is Schedule III while THC without a brand stamp is Schedule I. That they made an exception to a schedule I rulling specifically for a brand name pharm tips the hand of how scientifically or medically junk the scheduling system is.
