Ari Bell-X1

Its also worth mentioning that full auto is not only useless but detrimental without high capacity magazines. The military switched over from full auto to 3 round burst in part because full auto weapons can often dump their 30 round mag in a bit over 2 seconds. An ever so slightly too heavy trigger finger can leave so

The reality is that yes conversion is easy but many people looking to shoot a bunch on full auto go for the even easier brand labeled, factory tested bump stock or crank.

Well the scientology organization has disapeared people and before the internet made it impossible, they aggressively attacked and would destroy the lives of people who leaked their secret book. So about the same. They have whole internal divisions built to target and destroy people they dislike. In the past there

Just another day in the states-rights first GOP.

If only the cops would turn themselves away when equiped for violence. Sadly the majority of masked men ready for a fight and egging the other side on, are in fact the cops. The first to conceal their identities, even against regulations... you guessed it, the cops!

Why do people need to conceal their identities at

Your bolding seemed nicely biased, ironically.

So curious, did you on purpose or accidentally not bold the last line?

IMO if Trump sticks around and no changes are made to presidential powers or the election process, the only real way things will change is through a small revolution, at that point those in power have basically conceded they are happy with the corruption and see no reason for real change only talk.

A serious question, around how old are you?

Youre right, theres clearly nothing wrong with or distopian about stripping kids away from their parents and holding them in run down gutted walmarts while ICE gets around to sexually assaulting them. It builds character!

Its ok Im sure you would be one of the good gestapo protecting germany from outside influences

...But enough about the bankers and car manufactuers, and fortune 500 companies, and presidents that required multiple potentially illegal million dollar loans from their fathers.

having big daddy help you out and then telling everyone you did it yourself is basically the MO of the rich.

Research is for libtard cuck pussies who are brainwashed by the MSM. Fox is all I need to know the truth about how much winning Im doing. /s

Trump has been great at blatantly highlighting the hypocrisy of evangelicals and their leaders. In the past they could at least partly hide behind their bible and their moral crusades but now Trump has burst things wide open. All I need to do now is point to Trump when asked if there’s any evidence its about money and

Yeah youre anger issues and clear need to prove yourself make you prime to be a cop, or at least mall security. But your hate of immigrants really does say ICE.

It’s pretty unfortunate the snake oil scamers have latched onto it, since unlike so many other things they sell it is indeed a useful medication, but obviously not a cure all. Sadly because of its connection with THC it means studies were mostly squashed or could barely get off the ground until recently, which is

Well you seem to be all bluster and poor insults, kinda like one of those tiny yappy dogs.

Damn the insidious drug war!
While I get annoyed at the ‘chemicals are bad, only natural plants mannn’ hippies, the truth of the matter is cannabis has one of the longest histories of use of medicinal plants around and for good reason.

The drug war did some real damage to the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals as it’s led

THC + a large amount of CBD is quantitatively different than THC alone. Based on my experiments when people talk about ‘body highs’ they mean a larger percentage of CBD and mental highs contain very little CBD.

CBD, or at least one of its metabolites also seems to be partly responsible for the munchies and the

I know many who swear by topicals, which also have the bonus of potentially being stronger than ingested without causing much if any mental effects.

Given the amount of begging and government subsidization the rich do and get Im convinced the whole bootstraps narrative is purposefully said to reduce competition.
Like convincing the the opposing basketball team that stealing and blocking are only for the weak and a good team allows the opposition to take shots