Ari Bell-X1

Considering how batshit they went over a single nazi being punched once, Im really starting to wonder if a small amount of physical violence wouldnt put a whole bunch of them back into their panic bunker.

Abusing women is their platform.

Its pretty clear the GOP wants power and control and doesnt give two shakes of a shit stick what they need to do or say to get it.
The party of zero values.

Well really we dont (normally) execute via firing squad or hanging anymore because those are messy and considered uncivilized. lethal injection is specifically made to sanitize death to make it more palatable to the masses. Part of the drug cocktail is tailored to try and prevent movement to make it appear more

From what I remember theres no solid evidence for this but mostly speculation. Although frankly I wouldnt be too surprised if true as if I’m remembering correctly Duchamps view of women was pretty shitty.

Assaulting a woman with her own image... wow, so subversive, Ive never seen that in mainstream media or art...

Dude’s late to the party. Harassing people on the street, uploading it to youtube and calling it comedy has already been done.

One of my favorite art pieces is Duchamp’s ‘fountain’ (a signed urinal turned on its side) both because it points out that art is whatever we say it is, and at the same time pokes fun at the overanylization and gatekeeping of art. That there are replicas in museums for the rich to faun over and people have been booted

Assumptions not in evidence. If we made it harder to own a gun, there’s no reason to assume criminals would suddenly try to call people’s bluff by putting their life on the line because theres a chance the person doesn’t really have a gun.

If your guns are locked up and stored properly with the ammo in a different

Guns do however cause over 50,000 deaths a year.

Nope, unless you assume criminals will be willing to test every person that flashes a gun to see if it’s real, and given that the statistics you accept say that just shouting “I have a gun” without presenting one is good enough, then the reality is the existence of a gun isn’t needed to defend yourself with a gun.


“Defensive gun use” estimates also include shouting “I Have a gun!” whether or not you in fact do have a gun, so I wouldn’t put much stock in their numbers. When you look at defensive gun use where the weapon was fired and thus proven it was there and in working order, the number drops considerably. Really if you go

Considering the threat is often more likely to be a spouse or family member than a random stranger, not owning a gun is like disarming the violent attacker before the attack even occurs!

Well yeah, its a story where the gun doesnt need to even function or be present to be used.” Which brings the whole concept of defensive gun use into question.

Im short and dont care, this really throws many guys trying to insult me for a loop when their zinger about me being short falls flat (it does have less distance to fall afterall), but its basically the guy version of your fat to women. If it bothers you even a little, it doesnt take much for society to turn it

Ive probably said this before but I wonder if the increase in conspiracy theory followers is in part related to the decline of religious supernaturalism and how many of these people would have, not that long ago, blamed demons, spirits and ghosts instead of shadowy governments.

At one time it was legal to own people. Some laws should be told to fuck off to better society.

If I’m a corporation then I support your ability to protest in my living room.

Same place you did. But yes I don’t really have a problem with people being allowed to freely assemble to protest on corporate property.

Its not the age, its the health. Theres this misconception that age causes dementia, when in reality dementia causes dementia and as a slowly progressing disorder age just increases the chance that someone has it in debilitating and noticeable ways. It’s ultimately a specific kind of disease and not just old age whi

I kinda feel that no one should hold the same position consecutively for 25+ years in government. Not that we need outsiders but that if youre going to be a career politician, you should at least be forced to move around, to gain different experiences, allow others your seat for at least a few years.