Ari Bell-X1

So they called the police on the black people, but *not* on the LOCAL DRUG HOUSE hmm, sounds like someone wants all the meth to himself!

The local drug house also seems pretty accommodating if it gets whole families visiting. What’s that conversation like, “Yes, mom, well pick up my daughter from school then we’ll

Yay freedom!

Its the good ol straight white male view on law enforcement. Of course the police are your friends and anything bad should be reported to them as they will certainly both take you seriously without any question and help you out as much as they can.

Catholics *are* well practised at justifying rape.

Yeah no, CNN leans decently to the right compared to real leftists, while Fox news doesnt lean towards the left compared to real conservatives. Unless you’re suggesting most conservatives are even more conservative than the GOP propaganda channel that is Fox News.

Agreed, you can feel a more left point of view on CNN

At least you acknowledge your bias. Although the idea that CNN is left leaning is pretty funny and mostly made up by propaganda networks. I mean sure, compared to conservative propaganda news like Fox or Brietbart CNN is left, but it’s only left because they are so far hard right. CNN is much more centrist than

So someone, you dont know who, did something youre not sure what, and the entirety of a network is to be distrusted? Um, ok sure, by that measure shouldnt you distrust every conservative news source as well?

Many conservatives lack empathy for others (and this isnt just me saying this, I believe there are some studies that support this as well). So things dont matter much until it actually happens to them.

This is why we see pockets of pro-women, anti-rape (sorry, horseplay) among conservatives, almost always coinciding

This guy has proven himself loyal to the conservative authoritarian white power cause and will clearly support corruption and happily lie to give them power. He will give them control over others and power to make it happen, and thats all conservative politicians care about, more power, money and control. That’s been

Pickle surprise!

So on one hand you suggest that the story is too old to know for sure what happened, on the other you seem to be sure you know what happened.

How thirsty are trolls really? Let’s find out!

If Antifa and feminists really were as dangerous and reactionary as republicans claim we wouldnt even be having this conversation. Im not sure if that means theres still good in society or if they need to step up their game and get to work.

I assume this is like a ‘oh look at the hypocrits’ type post but sure, let’s make this like a normal job where he can be fired for any reason. Did the false equivalency sound much better in your head because I don’t see it weird at all that someone serving a life time government position in the highest court of the lan

Its like right out of the shit head rapist defenders handbook. Im almost surprised you didnt ask what she was wearing.

Of course you are here defending a rapist liar with white male supremacist leanings.

If only the democrats were that coniving and effective, we wouldnt be in this mess. This sounds to me like one of those blame them for what we want to do” statements.

It’s also amusing to watch republicans who had an absolute shit fit over the power Obama had, support a man who would make the president emperor and

Kosh-Do never met a rapist, nazi or gun he didnt want to protect the life of.

Well I mean, he also lied under oath, but I guess that only matters if your name is Clinton.

Well you’re an idiot. Enjoy the internment camp while you scream “But I’m one of you!!!” That is if you really are a woman and immigrant, which I don’t believe.

I say you’re an idiot since only idiots think being from ‘liberal california’ makes one a liberal. A mindwashed idiot.