
I don’t know about that, but I can see him being upset with where they took the character. Luke falling into a murderous rage against his nephew, even momentarily? Luke totally giving up on the Force, the Jedi, the Galaxy, and all of his friends & family? That’s not the Luke we saw leading up to here. Luke outsmarting

It seemed like he still wanted Luke to be a hero if not THE hero. I’m sure I can’t fully understand his connection to the series or the character but it just felt like an old man who can’t let go.

In Return of the Jedi, Luke triumphed over the Empire and saved the rebellion without even really needing the Force. I don’t think The Last Jedi improved on that.

Now playing

If there is anyone I feel bad for among all the debating and fury around Luke in The Last Jedi, it’s Mark. He trying to be very diplomatic now, but you can tell the changes to Luke just absolutely broke his heart (especially since he knew what George wanted to do with the character).