
What can I say, I’m fascinated with what I fear most... snakes. I can’t help but learn everything about snakes, I know how to identify them, their life cycle, temperament and even how those venomous ones work to kill you. Yet, I come across one and I will in full sprint a 1/4 mile away before realizing that it wasn’t

That was exactly my thought.

I have to agree on not only telling Microsoft why people buy Gaming Consoles, I’m curious myself. I avoid getting anything from Sony ever since they used a rootkit to ensure their music could not be ripped. If they are willing to go that low to hide what they are doing to their customers, what about things that have

Oh, I can answer all of your questions. What’s this about being a Tiger that everyone is harping on and going on about how humans keep killing them. Perhaps, if I relieved myself in the woods would that make me a Bear? Would have been a better analogy. I don’t care if a surgical accident or a personal choice was what

How, exactly would this accident occurred to a genetically verifiable person. The simple fact is that you’re falling into today’s expectations on how genders should act and dress, it’s all in your mind a product of today’s society. It’s just following a concept that’s been determined and not one that has any real

I’m having a bit of a conflict with this entire issue. I want to be open minded and say “Hey, If this is the lifestyle you feel most comfortable with, then go for it.” Yet, it totally shreds my justification on why women are so valuable to have a balanced perspective in decision making. When I turn to get a woman’s

Nothing new here. I’ve been quite aware that I’ll eventually die. I seriously doubt I can change that and live forever. However, if you have some insight on how to bypass this eventual death thing, please do tell. Looking around at humanity as it stands, we’re doing a fairly good job at the total extinction of humans

Ok, this is a take off on the opening of the books. I agree “littlefinger” does not look wimpy and young enough that she would reject him as a future “whatever.” An opening to a really nice porn version, nah, nope seen a few already and as porn this just doesn’t have enough sex, period. Too much talking, wasted time