
I hope I'm proven wrong, but I really don't think they can come back from that betrayal


Brandon the builder built it by himself with his awesome hammer. That's just how the Starks roll :P

Well the first couple of books are super close to the show, so you can probably skip them.

In the show yes. Hasn't happened in the books yet

Or she just hadn't been tested yet. She was probably super young before primfya hit.

Oh man, that episode was epic!

That's bat as in baseball bat, what you're looking for is γυναίκα νυχτερίδα…

No one can be a genius 3 times a week, but she's great more often than not.

Oh man, Caprica…RIP

Riverdale mate. It's right there in the title :P

I'm really enjoying the Good Behavior. It has a pretty solid pilot so you don't need to invest too much time to see if you like it.

Westworld does have interesting things to say, but they've all been said before…and better. Maybe it's because I consume a lot of Science Fiction but that show feels so trite to me.

Mo Ryan over at Variety put it in one of her lists (if you're interested in that sort of thing). I haven't watched passed the pilot, but maybe I'll give it another go this summer.

Cause lists are hard man!

No spoilers but season 4 is great (shocker I know)

It's John Noble on Fringe all over again…

Supergirl feels a bit inconsequential (and I don't think they can sustain 22 episodes) and having lived in the UK I can't stand the Crown's fawning (though it excels in so many things). But I wholeheartedly agree with the rest of this list.

This show makes me miss Dollhouse so much.

Can we be a bit shallow here and talk about how Monica Bellucci keeps getting hotter?